But it looks like the AD shuts up very quickly when it’s time to answer for the problems he’s created.
WCTV-6 reporters showed up on campus yesterday to question him about rumors that FAMU track athletes planned to protest his decision to fire their coaches.
Hayes made himself scarce. Phone calls to his office were not returned.
Here’s a suggestion to any reporter who wants to find the AD: Go undercover and say you’re a student who supports another fee hike to cover the $3.1M in red that Hayes amassed at the athletic department last year.
He’ll come out running.
You may also be interested in: Hayes is full of bright ideas
Hayes is a spineless coward !!!
ReplyDeleteI agree with you 100 percent. Does anyone knows the status on Hayes going to Winston Salem? If so when? I keep hearing June 30th then I hear he is staying. I think he needs to go before he destroys our athletics program worst. Mickey Clayton needs to go to. Any word on Clayton Smith?
ReplyDeleteIf you really want to find him, just say that you're a female who is under 18 wanting to get with him.
ReplyDeleteWhere is the article on Ammons dodging the press on that 113K Bonus???
ReplyDeleteHere are some excellent comments form the post regarding the bonus (by the way that post is no longer excepting commnets....)
ReplyDeleteThis mimics so much the the national recession that we are all in. We are "outraged" by bonuses given out to already highly paid executives because those bonuses were negotiated in contracts upon them being hired. I can understand that.....its a legal issue. Those execs not getting their bonuses is a suable offense. The reason why people are outraged is how are bonuses given out for subpar performances???? I mean, if anyone deserved bonuses you would think their companies would be operating in surpluses....not needing bailouts.....right????
My point is, and its my opinion, is contracts are OFTEN renegotiated on both ends. Im sure Ammons did not accomplish everything he was supposed to do this past year. I can see from the legal standpoint giving Ammons his bonus (maybe), but why did the board approve his HIGHEST bonus potential?!?!?!? That makes NO sense. Ammons actually did not have to get approved for his maxed out bonus of 35%.....he could have gotten approved for 20% (which in these times, I still see as ridiculous). How about 1%?????
This is a compounded problem. 1) OUR BOARD IS HORRIBLE!!!! But that's when you get a bunch of nobodies and locals instead of national achievers that are supposed to be leading the university i directions they couldn't attain on their own. They are all YES people and provide NO oversight. Realize this: THEY WERE HERE WHEN WE GOT PUT ON PROBATION!!!!! That means they FAILED as a board. 2) Ammons is doing what his predecessors did. Surrounding himself with friends first and talent second (if not ever). Its funny how FAMU is the disputed No.1 HBCU, but we need all these people from North Carolina and NCCU to lead us to the promise land. HA...where does NCCU rank????? If they were so great then why could they never compete with us before....HMMMMM????
I really wanted change at the university. I hate that the good workers get overlooked constantly that have no relatives that work on the leadership team, no hook-ups.....just good old plain hard work to stand on. I hate the fact that many had to start their career tracks all over again because of the ineptness of past administrations. I hate that every time I give money now, I don't feel it fulfilling a true purpose. I hate that every time I here of a new hire here at the university from north carolina.....its at two, three and sometimes four times their previous salaries, while only maybe one or two previous employees have seen any type of financial recognition. I hate the fact that I thought we had true leadership now, but I see that its been days since this story broke, and there has been no word from our leader. I hope that he looks at Obaa as an example of true leadership, because he hasn't let two days go past without informing the nation, whenever a touchy subject has come about.
5/31/2009 2:05 AM
Anonymous said...
The longer it takes for the President Ammons to speak on returning the bonus or declining the bonus.
ReplyDelete*for the people on the outside looking in at the university He (Ammons) want you to think everything looks good. But for the people on the inside looking out. THEY KNOW THE REAL DEAL.*8
5/31/2009 7:19 AM
Anonymous said...
The last two posts are so correct. Leadership is seriously lacking, nepotism has run rampant, and only a few loyalist insiders think that all is fine. The rest of the world knows what a mess we have on our hands. The Board is inept. How else would they have awarded the maximum bonus? Other than to achieve SACS reaffirmation (and it was the faculty and staff that actually did that!), how well did Ammons do on achieving his other objectives? To date only a few have even asked that question (Thanks 2:05 AM).
What was he to accomplish? Did anyone research that? Well, here's the answer. You tell me, were these 100% accomplished?
. Update the university’s strategic plan;
• Increase enrollment as well as retention and graduation rates by improving the quality of the student experience;
• Secure reaffirmation of the SACS-COC and move FAMU’s accredited disciplines toward compliance with the standards of their respective accrediting bodies;
• Develop new degree programs and increase research productivity to be competitive with our peers;
• Implement policies, processes and procedures that continue to enhance and strengthen the University’s financial and operational systems;
• Implement new strategies to meet fund-raising goals;
• Implement marketing and public relations strategies that will enhance the image; of the University and increase membership in the National Alumni Association;
• Secure the full accreditation for the FAMU College of Law
I'd like the Board to address how they came up with 35% based on his performance on these objectives.
You know Hayes came to Famu with some good plans when he started.He statrted off fundrasing and revising the budget. His friend Huff was running the day to day operations and it seem that things where on the right track.Then he started hanging and listening to Mickey Clayton, and things when bad from there. Hayes fired Huff,and hire Bob McBee who knew very little about famu and athletic operations. Hayes started thinking everyone was out to get him.Now they are.
ReplyDeleteHe has only himself to blame. It's what happens when you began to alienate everyone around you, alumni, supporters, and fans alike. Paranoia is the word that comes to mind. It has a funny way of clouding judgment. To, he and MC have similar lifestyle tastes, but thats for another article.
ReplyDeleteAnd as for his ideas- they were whack at best. When suggesting that one of his first priorities be the automation of the ticket office operation in order to establish and strengthen the accountability aspect of the department, the look was that of a deer in the headlights. Well, we know how that shook out last year. Let's not even start with the fence.
1. FAMU is off of SACS probation
ReplyDelete2. FAMU receives its first clean financial audit in years.
Thank you Dr. Ammons.
Bill Hayes must go!!!
So I guess you can only get a bonus for cleaning up messes, huh. What about not creating them in the first place and doing superior work....what does that get you again???? Oh,forgot.......nothing.
ReplyDeleteFunny how the employees are told, "good work is what you're supposed to do," but they get bonuses when they do "good" work. I remember when Castell told all employees she was taking away performance based bonuses and that she wasn't paying employees any more for doing what they were supposed to do. Then she turned around and took a raise and a bonus for herself......HA!!!!!!
Hayes needs to go, but everybody that just came in needs to be looked at. These people are fleecing the university. FAMU can't hire.....yeah right.....not unless you're a relative or friends with someone on the leadership team. You mean to tell me, FAMU had to go all the way BACK to North Carolina to find a supervisor in EIT for the help desk????? No one in the area was qualified????? Or no one knew of the job listing. Or maybe, everyone was told FAMU wasn't hiring, unless you're Theresa Hardees sister, LMAO!!!!!!
Let's go cronyism!!!!!!!! Way to represent leadership team, ya!!!!!
I just heard that our president has offered mr. hayes a 5 year contract. I can only wonder what he would have gotten if he had done a good job, (20 years). Perhaps the president should note mr. hayes inability to raise real money. Not asking 100 fans to give $1,000.00. GOOD Athletic Directors usually invite coorporations to donate to their athletic departments. Oh, I forgot, that would require someone to speak intelligently and not smell like a 55 gallon can of used cigaretts. Mr. Presiden, you are slipping.