Administrators recently announced their decision to axe 30 employees, 4.7 percent of the total workforce. Interim Vice-President for Academic Affairs Castell Bryant is not on the pink slip list.
Bryant came to B-CU with distinguished experience in attracting bad audits, wasting money, failing to pay employees on time, and blocking recruitment efforts. Currently, Cookman is experiencing an enrollment decline.
B-CU leaders continue to seek Castell’s advice on “eliminating inefficiencies.”
To protect administrators like Castell, B-CU has implemented other cost-saving measures that include: freezing hiring and salary increases for faculty and staff, ensuring that all full-time professors are teaching full course loads, conserving energy, and cutting operating budgets across departments.
B-CU leaders continue to seek Castell’s advice on “eliminating inefficiencies.”
To protect administrators like Castell, B-CU has implemented other cost-saving measures that include: freezing hiring and salary increases for faculty and staff, ensuring that all full-time professors are teaching full course loads, conserving energy, and cutting operating budgets across departments.
i guess BCU will learn later, rather than sooner, about CVB's insiduous ways. some folks, well, you just have to show them rather than tell them. I guess TKR can't be told anything.
ReplyDeleteHas Ammons given that Bonus back yet? Have the FAMU faculty and staff received raises yet? Has the Athletic Department become profitable yet? Have we been been fully reaccredited by SACS or the ABA yet? How is FAMU DRS going to operate with most of the teachers not under contract?
ReplyDeleteYa'll need to keep your eyes on FAMU and quit worrying about BCU or Castell Bryant.
No Ammons has not given back HIS bonus. I do not agree with the bonus or that he should have accepted it, but it is his and to be honest he is just proving that he is a typical American. Back in the day before African Americans were struck with WMD( White Man Diease) I too would have been upset. Yet, he is simply no Dr. Humprhies, the lowest paid president at the time in the SUS with the highest improvements in enrollment, incoming freshman SAT scores, increases in money rasied and the list could go on and on. For 16 years DR.H served and was treated like a red headed step child. Gainous came in and got fired after two horrible years and is still a full time employee of the University making over 265,000 dollars! And not one of you can tell me where or what he does!
ReplyDeleteThe Athletic Department has not become profitable and according to Ammons it will be 5yrs before it is out of the negative. Now, that is unacceptable, but what are you going to do about it, I'll tell you, you are going to come on RN and complain and nothing else. And this, more so than Ammons and the simpletons in the Athletic Department, is the major problem.
We were and have always been FULLY ACCREDITED by SACS we were put on probation, and never should have been, but that is another story. HBCU's should demand that SACS and other Agency that deal with accreditation not have a double standard when it comes to our schools! In addition, the ABA is in proogress.
FAMU DRS needs new independent leadership from the main campus!!!! FAMU seems to want to do everything in a FAMU way instead of a productive and progressive way! I dont understand it. Why is the Provost talking about DRS? Because, it is Ammons PR team spinnning a Screw up. The Dean of Educantion( who is clueless) should have been on top of this if one was looking at the flow chart for leadership.
So, while I keep my eye on FAMU I am keenly aware of our weakness and strengths the question is how do we make a true change? The difference in Ammons, Gainous, Bryant is simple the last two simple were out of there league when it came to PR and Spin. Or they simply did not care because it was also obvious that they had a job to do and it was to do the White mans bidding in destroying FAMU. Now it is up to us not to let one of US do the same thing.
I support FAMU!
Good statement I agreee with you;11:22 AM
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you quit calling it a bonus and call it what it is, a pay raise!!
ReplyDelete11:22, what in the hell is an African American? I'm a BLACK AMERICAN and being called an African American offends me.
ReplyDeleteNow back to the subject. Do you not know that we're in an economic crisis? Dr. Ammons earned his bonus, LEGALLY, and it's his to do whatever the hell he wants to do with it. FAMU High is experiencing what a lot of other schools and companies are experiencing right now. Many schools that are underperforming have decided to "reconstitute" and have all teachers reapply for their jobs. The intent is to see of there are better teachers out there. FAMU High has a long glorious history and will rise again. They have gone through some instability in leadership, but they will bounce back and become one of the best schools in the state again. Give it some time. I have faith in Dr. Ammons, Hughes, & Holmes.
FAMU DRS will bounce back!!!
9:39 in addition to being an African American you are unfortunately, ignorant, because it is African Americans like you who bring our people down. An African American is a conscience man or woman of African descent who understands that their heritage did not start on a plantation owned by a white man. An African American is a man or woman of African descent who is unashamed and unafraid to be proud of the fact that they have a history before Mississippi or Georgia, and that history began in Africa.
ReplyDeleteTwo days ago, speaking to the entire world, President Obama stated that not only was he an African American, but asked who would have thought that an African American would rise to Presidency of the USA. Now, you may say that he is an African American because of his father, but he clearly framed it in the context of African peoples brought here against their will. Hence, he stated that we knew the sting of slavery's whip. Having stated that it was by design and not accident that Anglo Saxons labeled you Black and this was done in order to further divide you from your true history. While you may protest and call yo massa to get reassured, I can assure you without a doubt that your ancestral roots are not from Georgia (I am laughing at you now). So, the fact that you are offended is sad and pathetic! I thank God everyday for my ancestors who paid the ultimate price that I may be here today. I thank my Ancestors for paying that price, as they were ripped from AFRICA and chained to the bottom of ships never to return. Therefore, if the amazing Courage and Pride they had in never dying offends you, then sir/madam I am offended by you and your ignorance.
4:30 PM, just call me BLACK, please. You can have that African American crap. "When we was Negro & Black, we was proud, well behaved, men didn't wear earrings, men didn't wear their pants hanging off their asses, no tatoos, nasty braids, gold grills, no car jackings, no drive bys, no smash & grab, no home invasions, no crack, we was educated, not much black on black HOMICIDES, ETC, ETC. As soon as you "can't make up your minds coloreds" decided you wanted to be African American, all hell broke loose.
ReplyDeleteSo if it's your choice to be called African American, have at it. I'm a Black American and choose be called such.
And I know when to use "was" & "were".
7:25 you was and were (done on purpose) an idiot and still are. I can safely assume that you are old so it is safe to say that your views are dated, obsolete and hopefully soon to be expired.
ReplyDeleteYour statement is rife with ignorance, and at a certain age that is to be expected, but never should such dangerous banter be excused. Therefore, I say on behalf of a generation of young African Americans please feel free to exit the stage at any point now. As far as continuing this little debate with you, I digress, I was taught when you argue with fools; from a distance it is hard to distinguish who is who. You, my ignorant simpleton, are a just that. I wish you well none the less.
8:04 PM, you "young African Americans" can learn a lot (manners & respect to start) from an old Black American like me. Pull up your pants, learn to speak correct grammar, stop acting the fool, stop killing each other, look like you have some sense, then you just might reach my age (if one of your African American brothers doesn't cap your ass for $1.00 and a bag of fried rice.) OUR community (The Black Community) would be much civil or safer if more of you young African Americans would pattern your uncivilized behavior after us OLD Black Americans. Get rid of that pit bull & get yourself a soup hound, young African American. lol
ReplyDeleteSAY IT LOUD!!
You need to get off the plantation. Your generation had to be responsible for something. If you were as wise as you project, you'd know where the young brother or sister was coming from. "BLACK" robs you of your culture, and that is just the culture that you speak of as being lost. Sit in on some classes and maybe some of this progress will come full circle. God knows that we need your generation to be electrified and make a connect with your grands and children. Your legacy can be redeemed. We cannot do it all alone. We learned that when we became just BLACK.
ReplyDeleteTo the both of you: Self-labeling mean absolutely nothing if you're not being the example that you both espouse. I love you both (spiritually, although I don't personally know you), and you both make good points. There is common ground in what you both state, IF you're willing to be open-minded with each other. Inside your hearts, you both know whats needed to help get each other to where you need to be. Lay down the bats, pick up the solution, and pass it on.
ReplyDeleteFAMU now! FAMU Forever!!