At April’s Board of Trustees Facilities and Planning Committee meeting, FAMU Director of Facilities Sam Houston presented pool repair bill estimates.
The Olympic Pool can be renovated at a cost of $1.5M. The Gaither Gymnasium Teaching Pool needs to be completely reconstructed. A new pool will run $2.6M.
President James Ammons told trustees that he plans to use Public Education Capital Outlay dollars to rebuild the Teaching Pool. As part of the Department of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, it qualifies for PECO funds appropriated for the Gore Educational Complex’s remodeling. He is also talking to students about using Capital Improvement Trust Fund money to fix the Olympic Pool.
During an appearance at a March student senate meeting, Ammons asked student leaders to support plans to build an indoor swimming inside a future phase of FAMU’s recreation center (another CITF project).
Will someone PLEASE explain to me why are our facilities not being properly maintained!!!!
ReplyDeleteHow did we get to needing 4.1M for REPAIRS. Ok, ok , I know---- poor construction and inadequate maintainence.... please fix this, Dr. Ammons!
We can do better...FAMU deserves better. This very frustrating..our entire maintenance, construction, and facilities units need an overhaul!!!
There is lack of maintenance campus wide, but again no one cares. There is no money for salaries for maintenance workers. Got to use all available funds for bonuses and to keep hiring friends and family of the administration. GO FAMU!
ReplyDeleteIt's more fun just riding around in the golf carts.
ReplyDeleteTry $30 million in budgets over the last year and a half and not a soul was laidoff nor a program cut !!
ReplyDeleteHad FAMU laid off some of yall lazy asses three budget cuts ago, they'd still have money to do somethings!!!
ReplyDeleteAmen to 1:24 pm
ReplyDelete11:05 be specific. which positions are you seeing friends and family being hired? are these unnecessary hires or is your complaint about who was hired?
ReplyDeleteWho is getting a bonus from the FAMU budget?
Need to look at how many full time employees are carrying full loads and how many adjuncts are being hired. There are some that are only teaching one or two courses and the department has 9 adjuncts. Look into that!
ReplyDeleteI agree there a few at FAMU that need to go in the worse way. To many there just waiting for their drop and that about all they do. But FAMU pay scale such a joke they couldn't hire no qualified decent person in their place and most of those admin know that...
5:02 PM, Please don't waste your time (and FAMU's either) applying for a job.
ReplyDeleteThe FAMU Administration is a foul cesspool of nepotism, incompetence, greedy reprobates, fools, nutjobs, and layabouts. Their staff is the same except for the greedy reprobate part.
ReplyDeleteThis 5:02... Been there done that.. work for FAMU for 10 years. Had to move on they wasn't paying enough and took to much to get basic things done.
When are the students, faculty, and alumni going to demand an efficient and competent administration at FAMU? They are wasting great gobs of money and starving academics. Enough is enough.
ReplyDeleteThis will happen when the students, faculty, and alumni themselves become efficient.
5:33 PM, you are either very naive or a part of the looters who have now taken over FAMU. What is your take?
ReplyDeletelmao@ 11:30am
ReplyDeletelmao@ 1:24pm
ReplyDeletelmao@ 7:29pm Add a pretty please with sugar on top...
ReplyDeletePoor grammar is a major pet peeve of mine...