Kennedy-Lamar, who was appointed FAMU’s associate vice president for student affairs-enrollment management in 2006, returns to Alabama State University as its new vice president of marketing and communications. Before coming to FAMU, she served as ASU’s director of admissions and recruitment from 1999 to 2006.
Back in 2006, Kennedy-Lamar joined former Vice-President of Student Affairs Vincent June and former Interim President Castell Bryant in trying to spin the real reasons for FAMU’s enrollment decline.
When Bryant arrived in 2005, she destroyed FAMU’s recruitment program and sent enrollment into a nosedive.
Kennedy-Lamar wanted the public to believe FAMU had fewer students because Castell did not let students with outstanding monetary balances enroll for class.
"The primary reason for the decrease, in my opinion, was the university's strong but necessary stance on students with prior debt," Kennedy-Lamar told The FAMUan.
The interim administration said that 1,000 students were affected by the decision. However, FAMU’s own financial data showed that 5,913 students still owed about $13M.
Most of FAMU’s students come from low-income backgrounds. The university typically arranges deferred payment plans to help them through school.
The smoke-and-mirrors used by Kennedy-Lamar, June, and Castell could not hide the fact that the real reason for FAMU’s enrollment decline was the lack of financial support for the recruitment program.
Now that President James Ammons is making FAMU’s Division of Student Affairs work hard to bring in new freshmen and transfers, Kenndey-Lamar doesn’t want to stick around.
She managed enrollment alright... she managed it downward !!!
ReplyDeleteThe biggest problem is the recruitment of out of state students....this problem continues for the new regime...
ReplyDeleteForget this, what is up with Ammons
ReplyDeletebonus, has it been given back to Foundation yet?
Let's keep on the subject. Kennedy-Lamar is one of te last Bryant's people. She was not good for the university and used every opportunity to gain experience to move on. Unfortunantly it has come with a heavy toll on the department of student affairs (if gaines would be honest with himself & AMMONS). If you recall last year she falsified official records and was given a reward of an salary increase. She made a lot of employees life unbearable and Gaines let it happen. His is the kind of administration that does not care about morale as long as the work gets done. GOOD BYE AND GOOD LUCK. ROLAND IT'S YOUR TIME.
ReplyDeleteOh please. You can't blame her for that. What other institution across the country will allow you to register with a balance. There is no way in heck a student should be allowed to register and still owes the University money. I know this is possible because I have friends who carried balances for more than one and sometimes two semesters and was still allowed to register.
ReplyDelete8:15 you are correct, there has been things going on that are not normal or part of the real world. What is needed is a culturte change and a real dose of reality.
ReplyDeleteLet's get serious. Students, parents and university have blame. We can no longer expect students to do the right thing with money. Not all spend like there is NO tomorrow. This is something that begins at home. We as unveristy employees have an obligation to assist student whenever and whereever we can. We know our culture and we have to be the responsible one. Impart the knowledge of responsible budgeting and spending and most will get it.
ReplyDeleteYou all can say whatever you want but Kennedy Lamar was the brains behind Student Affairs and she did most all the work. THAT is why Roland Gaines gave her that big raise to stay on because he is totally clueless. I want to see what is going to happen now that she is gone back home. Who is gonna be grandfathered into this position? Tell me who do you think will get it because we all know that they are not going to get anyone from the outside.
ReplyDeleteComments Please. I will be expecting them.
Danielle Kennedy-Lamar is a great woman. She did her job abundantly well and should be commended for her time served at this institution. She made sure that the recruitment fairs went well and were set up for the perspective students to interact with current students at these fairs. The main problem is that Student Affairs gives these students these “life gets better”, “presidential’, or any other scholarship to attract the students here, then once they start school, the scholarships go away. They promise one thing then turn their back, based on some verbage in the fine print of the scholarship contract. For example, if you receive a FAMU signature scholarship, you are 9 times out of 10 getting other scholarships from other sources. FAMU waits to pay the tuition with the FAMU scholarship until the other scholarships pay for the rest, and then VPSA turns their back on the students. These students expect to get a net check, but instead they are forced to get a job or transfer to an institution who will give them a NET CHECK. VPSA needs to get his act together and stop making false promises. Nevertheless, Danielle Kennedy-Lamar did not RUN from any challenge and was the farthest thing from LAZY. She had an opportunity to move back home, where her husband and youngest child were still located, to take a VP job at another institution. So if you weigh her options, Stay at FAMU as an associate VP where the students who she awards scholarships to are mad at her constantly because of a lie her boss tell to them, or take a VP position at an institution back at home where she can be with her husband and youngest son, instead of traveling every weekend to be with them. Though, I’m sure she hated to go, the choice was simple.
Danielle Kennedy-Lamar is a Castel hire, but there is still one left. Alex D’jarnet, working in the office of student activities, is the last Castel and he should have been fired. The only reason he is still here is because his Fraternity Brother, VPSA Roland Gaines, won’t get rid of him because they are both Alphas. EVERYONE who works in the Office of Student Activities is paid from A&S fees, except him because the students refused to fund his position, out of A&S fees so Roland Gaines is paying him out of his budget to keep his Frat brother here. When will FAMU learn you need to separate business, from personal? Answer me this, If VPSA Roland Gaines had enough money to fund Alex D’Jarnet position, why did he refuse to fund the Directors positions that he’s making the students out of A&S Fees (i.e Director of Student Activities & Campus Recreations)
ReplyDelete(the DEATH of FAMU)
He is driving Student Affairs down the drain and it needs to stop. With the absence of Kennedy-Lamar, he is totally clueless.
Alumni, I strongly encourage us to ban together and start a campaign to rid FAMU of this cancer named Roland Gaines and demand they begin the search for a new VPSA who not only knows what he/she is doing, but has the students and the university’s best interest at heart.
Kennedy-Lamar's explanation for the enrollment decline was nonsense. If 5,913 students owed money, then why were just 1,000 singled out? She was just trying to cover for Castell's failure to recruit.
ReplyDeleteAnd students should be allowed to carry balances as long there are honoring their payment plans. Most FAMU students aren't rich and can't afford to pay in everything up front.
I hear you 11:00. Gaines will not leave until the President says he no longer needs him. The problem is one that has always hampered President's, the lack of morale boosters. Word on the street is that Marcia Boyd will move to the VP position and Michelle Lassiter(one of June's) will move to Director. BIG MISTAKE. Neither have what it is going to take to bring the department to what it needs to be. Lamar was a convincing liar and so is Gaines and both will continue to be one. Our student's and employees are the one to suffer. Most Alumni cannot really say anything because they don't give ANYTHING BUT LIP SERVICE.
ReplyDeletePeople need to check their hearts because when it's all said and done you will pay for how you treat others.
Good bye to bad rubbish.
6/10/2009 11:11 AM
ReplyDeleteEither you are clueless or don't know how a BUSINESS operates. Name another school that allows its students to carry balances term to term and still be allowed to register. Most colleges drop you for non-payment. You are completely clueless. Reality check...if you can't pay your fees you shouldn't be allowed to register. PLAIN AND SIMPLE.
Word to the wise...FAMU'S payment plan DOES NOT EXIST. All fees are due by the fee deadline date. End of story.
10:30 am
ReplyDeleteActually, Lamar only got a raise because after Ammons hired Carla Willis to head University Relations, we had to hire her husband as well in Student Affairs. They gave him more money than Lamar and she complained about it.
The tragic part to all of this is that Carla Willis shouldn't have been hired in the first place (as evidenced by our pitiful fundraising efforts) and to have to then hire her husband over more qualified candidates too......well.......I guess you couldn't have been working hard here before the regime change and expect any monetary appreciation. We had to make room for the friends and family of the new administration. Castell did the same exact thing.....I guess we should have known.
All student fees are not due by the beginning of the semester. Students can receive payment extensions from the vice-president of fiscal affairs if they demonstrate a valid reason.
ReplyDeleteIt's clear that even Castell didn't drop most of the students who owed money. That's why 5,913 students stilled owed $13M.
6/10/2009 12:42 PM
ReplyDeleteYou sound absolutely crazy. You need to read the FAMU catalog.
Registration - Students must be prepared to make full payment of fees, including room and board, for each semester. No student will be permitted to register until all unpaid University accounts and fees have been satisfied. This includes delinquent short term loans, traffic and library fines, clinic charges, and other obligations to the university.
The vice-president of student affairs (or designee) has the authority to make exceptions on a case-by-case basis. The FAMU catalog is a simply a guideline to help students.
ReplyDeleteThere were 5,913 students with unpaid balances but Castell and her cronies told the press there were only 1,000. They were trying to cover up the fact they didn't do their jobs to recruit.
Castell/Kennedy-Lamar explanation for the enrollment decline was just as phony as the "$8 million" surplus.
Kennedy-Lamar wasn't the brains behind anything in Student Affairs. Roland Gaines was part of the Humphries-era enrollment surge. He knows what he's doing.
ReplyDeleteKennedy-Lamar should have been sent packing on day one just like her inept buddy Vincent June.
You are Dead A** wrong. Roland Gaines does not know what he's doing. Danielle did all of the enrollment mgt work and Roland doesn't do a thing. Look at Student Affairs, it runs itself by people such as Dean Kirby, Housing runs itself as does everything else under student affairs. Let's see what happens now that the brains are gone. If Dean Kirby left, all of that would falll apart as well.
ReplyDeleteGet a grip people Roland needs to take it to the house ASAP, before we lose everything.
We not gonna even start talking about Carla Willis. rotflmao (a JOKE)
All Kennedy-Lamar did was collect a paycheck. The FAMUans trained during the Glory Years didn't need her to tell them how to build enrollment.
ReplyDeleteFAMU wrote the book on recruiting the best and brightest black students - not ASU.
1:38, You are clearly a FOOL to think Gaines is an asset to the university. He is a reactive leader, and we need a PROACTIVE leader to run student affairs. He does nothing for the student body which is the reason campus moral is at an ultimate low. When I visited campus in March, looking at students and talking to them, they said it’s a joke.
ReplyDeleteI seriously hope Dr. Ammons is reading this. FAMU just raised tuition by 15%. FAMU is doomed if Dr. Ammons does not do everything in his power to boost morale to make students want to stay and have great attractions to make students want to come. That means:
* Making the Band shine, give Dr. White whatever he needs to make them better
* Make homecoming immaculate to make Alumni come back and want to send their kids to FAMU
* Hire the BEST PERSON, an outside source to spear head recruitment now that Danielle Kennedy-Lamar is gone
* Bring back the Kappas. Its been 4 years since they have been on the yard, meaning a FULL academic class has come and graduated. There are no members left on the campus. Greek life pays a major role in the life of parents and children of Greek parents. If FAMU cant offer the organization, Bethune Cookman, FSU, or Clark Atlanta can. Greeks are a huge recruitment tool for the university, and with this 15% tuition increase, the lack of them can be detrimental to the university. The Kappas were unjustly suspended by Castel Bryant. Castel is the same person who kicked over 150 students out of the Marching 100. Castels one goal was to RUIN FAMU and what better ways to ruin a school than ruining recruitment tools for the university; making students not want to attend.
* Fire Roland Gaines and Reorganize Student Affairs. Get rid of these people who don’t want to be here to help the students and the people who get paid 50k + to do absolutely nothing, starting with the office of Student Activities.
* TERMINATE that Sedexo contract. The food services have been sucking for years and Sedexo is the worst thing since Jim Crow.
* Fix the Union PLEASE! Please fix the bowling alley and put attractions that students want to see. Have better places for students to be able to relax, study, or just hang in a safe atmosphere.
* Fix them damn Dorms. Those guy dorms were in terrible condition, when I was at FAMU. To come back and see they are closed not and have been for over 5 years is absolutely unacceptable. The girl’s dorms need work as well
Dr. Ammons, the time is NOW while you still have time to turn all of this around. Please stop this REACTIVE mentality, addressing issues as they come when someone leeks info to the press. Be PROACTIVE and plan for the future and RIGHT ALL the wrongs that Castel intentionally did to drive FAMU in the ground, so that FAMU can reach its peak and beyond.
ReplyDeleteThose Kappa girls need to stay where they are until 2013 just as it is written. Let everybody forget we ever had Kappas and then they will know how to act when they get back on the yard.
P.S. Everything else is true
Wow. After all these years people are still fooled by Castell's lies. You think Kennedy-Lamar was good? You probably also think that Castell came up with an $8M surplus too and that there were WMDs in Iraq.
ReplyDeleteYou are a damn fool. You need to stop hating on the Kappas and get a life. Its not about the Kappas who were students of FAMU, because all of them have been gone for years now. Its about the students who want to come to FAMU or who attend who want to join the organization. Every greek organization has a great legacy built at FAMU and a lot of students are missing out on seeing them. Im so glad you dont make important decisions, now you get off the computer, break times over so return to your register in lane 3 of Publix.
6:00 PM
ReplyDeleteYou just wish that you had the job I have, I am sure that my paycheck runs circles around yours and I still don't give a hoot about the Kappa girls (I apologize, LADIES). You must be one yourself (or want to be one). If you are still around in 2013 then you can be on that infamous charter line, if not then go to the nearest grad chapter (oops, if you're a grad from anywhere) and pledge.
In the mean time the students that are at FAMU that want to be kappas unfortunately have to wait their turn. That is the path that the last kappas left for them. It's not their fought or mine so just deal with it.
Now you get back to work and get out of the waste mgt break room and get back on the truck. Trash day is tomorrow.
First, I never wanted to be a Kappa and never be one. I graduated from FAMU 5 years ago and I am A proud member of another fraternity. Second, for you to have such a problem with them, you should not have been a Kappa hoe! third, we were on here progressing, trying to move FAMU forward and you bring that negative energy on here, please do something better with you time you BITTER ASS WOMAN. third, just like a lil kid, this woman will respond, but we will move past her petty ways and grudges shes has since her undergrad days on the hill, to other ideas that can move FAMU forward.
ReplyDeletePlease excuse my language, but this lady has some serious issues towards those men, and she must not be a member of a Greek letter organization because she would know of the legacy that I spoke of above. Its not about Kappa, Alpha, Delta, none of that matters. Its about getting students to FAMU and enjoying their stay with a complete student life experience. Geeks complete that and are a major recruitment tool for FAMU
6:44 OT
ReplyDeleteIn all honesty, give me a break! Greeks are apart of FAMU history that is true. But,if a students entire goal is to attend FAMU to be greek or a greek groupie then they should go somewhere else. FAMU is an institution of Higher Learning. If one comes for Pharmacy or SBI or CSI and then want to become greek that is an acceptable thing, but if they come soely to become greek then they have a problem.
Now, the greeks that you are speaking of are not on campus, because of the seriouness of the actions and injury that they inflicted on another FAMUAN. Not because someone did not like their colors, or how they step. It sends a strong message or at least it should that this type of slave mentality will not be tolarated on a campus of Higher Learning.
FAMU has too many divisions, before anyone at FAMU could become greek they had to become FAMUANS!
Danielle was the worst thing to happen to Student Affairs since June Bug. Good riddance!
ReplyDelete9:49 pm
ReplyDeleteIf I could just chime in. As a lawyer in the Tallahassee and a FAMU grad (non greek), I followed the case of the Kappa guys closely, the entire trial was overturned. Those guys did not go to prison because they hazed that guy, but because they were there; an accessory and the judge wanted to point the blame at some one. That boys father seemed money hungry and was looking for money fro the organization and its members. All of the hospital surgery’s, were ALL elective surgeries and were not needed, which was proven and in the court trial from the physicians deposition. The appeals court decided in the Kappas favor and their records have been long expunged and they have graduated from FAMU. One of them is going to Grad School in NJ in the fall, with his FAMU degree in his pocket. Their records are clean and they can put all this mess behind them. Its just a travesty that it took the appeals court a year to get to their case.
I just wanted to shed the light on the facts……. Not Picking sides.
Can we Please get back to the betterment of the University and Drop everything else…. This post is about Danielle Kennedy-Lamar, nothing else
8:47 AM, you’re either a lying lawyer or a misinformed lawyer. “That boy’s father” (Mr. Mark Jones) did what many caring dads would do for their son. Some of us would have done more. “That boy” (Marcus Jones”) was beaten so severely that he probably would have died without medical attention. I understand that the doctor in Atlanta described the wounds as “animal like”. Marcus has graduated from another college and will be heading off to a “big university” this fall to get his Graduate Degree. It’s too bad that those Kappa animals tried to kill a young man that wanted to be their brother. By the way, Mr. Jones is only seeking $15,000 for medical expenses. That hardly sounds like someone that is money hungry.
ReplyDeleteIn regard to Ms. Lamar, she impressed me as someone who was very caring of FAMU’s students and she conducted herself very professionally in my opinion. Those that are complaining and slandering her so much, are probably the ones that are wasting space and need to be removed from FAMU’s payroll.
ReplyDeletesay what you want FRIEND OF FAMILY, but because neither of us were there, all we can go by is the facts and what was proven in court. Charges were dropped, Kappas set free with NO RECORD because all the evidence present in court the first time should not have held up, which is why it was over turned. The same doctors that Marcus father took him to said they were ELECTIVE (meaning did not need to have; i.e BREAST IMPLANTS) surgery. The boy was clearly not going to die and like I said, my observation from following the case…a non bias party, is his father..and I repeat his father, not the boy, was seeking money because his father clearly controls his life and must be broke! And to me looks like he suffers from PTS. I can care less what happend to both partys, but the FACTS are what i care about. He knew what he was getting into and still went forward with whatever happened. He signed up for it all, therefore whatever happened he asked for it. This is why he’s being counter sued for breech of contract. He signed 2 contracts, one with the organization and one with the university saying he would no partake in any “hazing” activities.
ONCE AGAIN, this is about DANIELLE KEDDEDY-LAMAR. Please keep to the subject.
10 CHEERS for Danielle Kennedy-Lamar. She was a Jewel to FAMU and her hard work and dedication will truly be missed.
Student affairs really needs more under 40 professionals in leadership roles! I hope the new choice for AVP is a QUALIFIED alum and under 40.
ReplyDeleteYou are absolutely right. Older people seem to like older things, which the 17-25 year old students can not relate to. The entire Student Affairs division should be fired and Start from scratch;
Including Student Activities and Housing.
The Guy in housing is not getting things right and the Lady in Student Activities is too old and stubborn. It’s her way or no way, and she does not include the students in anything. Both of them need to retire or be recycled into another division until they retire.
UNDER FORTY.......HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! Laughable!
ReplyDeleteDidn't you know......FAMU HATES young leadership. Name five people at FAMU under 40 making over 60K.....please......i'll wait...........................................
Younger professionals are progressive, innovative and critical thinkers. Now how do you think that would mesh here. These old relics don't want anyone to show the FAMU community how incompetent they are. They won't allow any free thinking young professional on the leadership team, because most of them are just trying to stack paper and ride out until retirement. The betterment of FAMU is the LAST thing on their minds. Probably trying to figure out how they all can get an Ammons-like bonus.
10:5 has a point. Dr. Ammons should consider bringing on interns from the student body to help. then maybe he will see the need for YOUTH on his administration and that old does not always eqaul a good thing.
ReplyDeleteCan you imagine a professional office full of “under 40 years of age employees” with tattoos showing, men with two earrings, and Gucci Mane & Trick Daddy blasting in the background? There may be a place for the under 40, but some of you are downright irresponsible & SCARY!! Get some experience first, then let’s talk about placing you into a decision making role. I do think that younger adults should be employed in Student Affairs/Recruitment.
ReplyDeleteAre you down “wit” it cuz? lol
What competent professional would defend Castell's attack on the recruitment program?
ReplyDeleteThat crazy lady down there at Bethune Cookman… Trudie Kibbe Reed
ReplyDeleteFacts: Kennedy-Lamar
ReplyDelete1. Did not know how to talk to employees. A DIVA in TRAINING.
2. Her relationship with some student's was good to her face. Most tolerated her. She took oversight of the Presidential Ambassodores because she had nothing positive to do under June.
3. Gaines kept her on because they are both cut from the same mold, vindictive, great spinners of truth and professional game players.
4. She was never officially reprimanded for falsifying documents, which could have been a setback for FAMU had they been reported.
5. She and Gaines relationship with the FAMU family and the Alumni was only cordial. They both alientated a number of alumni supporters.
6. Her skills as a manager of people was lacking and it is hoped that she has learned that you will reap the nasty seeds sown. She will not escape paying for her indicreations.
7. Her moving on at this time will begin to mend some bridges, depending on her successor.