Looking at her desk, covered with stacks of papers and countless tasks to tackle, one would think she worked 80. With not much room for filing, archives surround her, behind the chair and even underneath the desk.
Such is the life of a sports information director at Albany State.
In her 13th year, Bradley - a one-woman show, for the most part - finally has time to do more than breathe now that the hectic athletic school year is behind her. She also has time to reflect.
"She's very important," Albany State football coach Mike White said. "She is very sharp in terms of getting communication out. We depend on her heavily."
Bradley studied public relations at FAMU’s School of Journalism and Graphic Communication.
"I just liked meeting people and gathering an appreciation for layout and graphic design," Bradley said. "That was part of the curriculum, and people always told me I was nice to people in public, so I was like, 'OK, that may be a good major to follow.'”
Now getting ready for her Xth football season, Bradley knows what lies ahead. There will be seemingly endless hours, demands and a mind-boggling array of numbers to compile. Bradley still lives in Camilla, so her job is also taxing in a sense that it keeps her from spending much time with her daughter, Morgan, who was 5 when Bradley first became sports information director.
"Especially during football season, when I have away games and I get back home, I'm tired and don't want to really say anything or talk," Bradley said. "I try to make up for it. She's been very understanding and knows Mommy has to work."
Read the full article here.
We need someone like her at FAMU. At least she'll keep the website updated.