President: Police “acted stupidly” in arresting Gates

big rattler
1 minute read

Yesterday evening, U.S. President Barack Obama directly addressed the recent arrest of Harvard Professor Henry Louis “Skip” Gates at his Cambridge, Mass. home.

Obama, a Harvard law graduate who considers Gates a friend, said the Cambridge police officers investigating a possible burglary at the professors’ house “acted stupidly” when they arrested Gates after he proved that he was the home’s rightful owner.

“Separate and apart from this incident, there’s a long history in this country of African Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately. That’s just a fact,” Obama said.

The president also referred to his role in helping to craft anti-racial profiling legislation during his days as an Illinois state senator. He told the national audience that the racial profiling problem is “an example of how race remains a factor in this society.”

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  1. While I think Obama is a terrible President (he is in Carter's class of horribleness) I liked his initial reaction.

    His subsequent apology was cowardly. Not only is he an elitist dumbass, but he has no backbone.

  2. 11:06 pm,

    If that's how you feel about Pres. Obama, i'm sure you had an even lower opinion of George W. Bush the inept arsehole who bankrupted our country and threw millions of Americans out of work.

  3. ddadmin. quit trying to direct traffic to your site.

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