At a recent Board of Trustees meeting, FAMU outlined its current and future facility upgrade priorities for the football program.
Football’s immediate renovation needs add up to just under half a million dollars. The list is as follows:
1. Grade and sod fields ($175,000)
2. Demolish and rebuild field tower ($40,000)
3. Paint lockers and locker room ($35,000)
4. Repair flooring ($22,000)
5. Repair roof ($107,000)
6. Repair hydrotherapy baths ($40,000)
7. Structural evaluation of stadium ($20,000)
Total: $439,000
Football’s immediate renovation needs add up to just under half a million dollars. The list is as follows:
1. Grade and sod fields ($175,000)
2. Demolish and rebuild field tower ($40,000)
3. Paint lockers and locker room ($35,000)
4. Repair flooring ($22,000)
5. Repair roof ($107,000)
6. Repair hydrotherapy baths ($40,000)
7. Structural evaluation of stadium ($20,000)
Total: $439,000
The short term priorities for the next two years are:
Team meeting room, 2,600 sq ft ($481,000)
Offense meeting room, 1,000 sq ft ($185,000)
Defense meeting room, 1,000 sq ft ($185,000)
Replace scoreboards w/2 Daktronics ($2.7M)
Total: $3.6M
The five to ten year priorities include: adding an additional 15,000 seats to Bragg Memorial Stadium, renovating the existing field house, installing a new scoreboard, and building sky boxes and press boxes.
The university also aims to construct a new field house that will include: classrooms, offices, academic support, a trophy room, Booster Club spaces, and fitness and training facilities.
Estimated total: $50M
Team meeting room, 2,600 sq ft ($481,000)
Offense meeting room, 1,000 sq ft ($185,000)
Defense meeting room, 1,000 sq ft ($185,000)
Replace scoreboards w/2 Daktronics ($2.7M)
Total: $3.6M
The five to ten year priorities include: adding an additional 15,000 seats to Bragg Memorial Stadium, renovating the existing field house, installing a new scoreboard, and building sky boxes and press boxes.
The university also aims to construct a new field house that will include: classrooms, offices, academic support, a trophy room, Booster Club spaces, and fitness and training facilities.
Estimated total: $50M
$50 Million....
ReplyDeleteDamn renovation just build a bigger and better stadium to replace the one we have now...
12:09 am,
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you shut up and give, beyond buying a season ticket and the minimum booster package.
ReplyDeleteWhy so hostile? The other post may be correct that it's cheaper to build a new facility from scratch.
ReplyDeleteThis is 12:09 what the hell wrong with you. I wasn't even being hostile. I was saying that alot of money to just renovate a old structure. Would be better of just building a new one. Idiots like you that come on here and turn things negative. As for your other comments I worked for FAMU for 10 years trying to improved and pull it into the modern age and I have been giving to FAMU. So don't preach to me about giving back to FAMU cause been there and done that.
12:09 I see why you are a former employee. Name calling is juvenile and I prefer not to engage in that type of conversation with you. Here is something for you to read to back up the notion of building a new facility. The cost of building a new facility a UCF cost $50 million.
The Bright House Networks Stadium is part of a $60 million project that included financing costs, reserve requirements, infrastructure, roads, parking and practice fields for football, soccer and baseball. Designs were provided by Kansas City, Mo.-based 360 Architecture, while the construction was managed by Wharton-Smith, Inc. of Sanford, Fla. The stadium seating was erected by Dant Clayton of Louisville, Ky
Why would the university plan to renovate the existing field house within the next 5-10 years...only to construct a brand new field house in the future? Isnt that wasteful and counterproductive?
ReplyDeleteThe stadium structural analysis will determine whether Bragg should just be renovated or a new stadium built. So that will settle that argument there. I'm excited to hear about the new scoreboards within the next two years though!
The scoreboard was promised under the Nelson Townsend era! I was told it would be similar to North Carolina A&T but I guess the deficit shelved the project.
ReplyDeleteGreat to hear something in the air. Let's see some renderings...
ReplyDeleteFine I apologize for name calling I can see the error in doing that. I'm just tried of folks coming on here and attacking folks for no other reason than asking a question.
I think it is a good idea to "renovate/expand" the current building (this is what FSU did with Doak Campbell Stadium in the early 90s). Remember, the state does not give state dollars for athletic arenas and it will surely be hard for FAMU to go to the state with the argument of placing classrooms in a football stadium when we just received around $50 million for a new "teaching gym." There was recently a story on WCTV 6 which said that out of all of the schools in the SUS, FAMU has the most un-used classroom space. What they did not say is those spaces were likely decrepit and are void of a conducive learning environment, or for the lack of a better phrase most of these un-used spaces needs upgrading themselves. But we all know that a person’s perception is their reality, and the current perception is that FAMU has the classroom space, therefore it will be more than difficult to ask for the state to build classrooms in a football stadium with the desire to build a larger nicer football facility.
ReplyDeleteIf we are going to get a new/renovated stadium, I think we are going to have to be more like UF and do it through boosters and donors rather than the way FSU did it by going through state dollars. That’s why I think FAMU has put a 5 to 10 year plan in place. I am not sure how most of our Alum’s feel about this idea, but it might be time for our athletic department to seek naming rights for the remolding of the stadium. Something like Bragg Memorial Stadium at Bank of America Field. I know no bank is going to give money to help build an athletic facility during this economic down turn. I am just not confident that even with the 1000 Strikes Club that we will be able to raise the funds without such a big donation (unless Jerome James gives 2 to 3 million at one time).
Well here a question do FAMU have any plans in the future even beyond the 5 to 10 years to try to move up to D-1A again. We all know that where the money is even as a losing team you make more there than winning in our current division. If they do or even thinking about it you going to need a much much better stadium to convince those big teams to come to us to play. I'm not saying on the same level as FSU stadium but it going to have to be well more than what we have now. So would it be better to use that money and sell naming rights to raise more money to give us a stadium that can last 20 to 30 more years. You don't get many opportunities to do this kind of building project we don't need to waste this opportunity.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I am a football fan, what about the other teams and the structures they use. What about the pool? How about the tennis courts? These faciltiies need improvemet as well and $1-$2 M can go far for our other sports.
ReplyDeleteJust like the other person said we have been piecing together Bragg stadium and the fieldhouse for years. It is time to put together a 5-10 year plan to build new facilities. It may take us that long to do it; but a vision and a plan is a great starting point.
I've heard that the Athletic Department is going to purchase the new scoreboards, but can't seem to find anything to confirm that. Wouldn't that have to be approved by the purchasing department? Does anybody know anything?
ReplyDeleteOn another note, Congratulations do former FAMU Trustee Dr. Regina Benjamin on her recent appoint as the United States Surgen General!!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Dr. Benjamin. The stadium is ok to start with and the other sports need attention. It as very true that the dorms and the website need fixing yesterday. Bragg can be dressed up MUCH better for the short term. You know its really not as small or out of shape as it seems. Bragg needs some love.
ReplyDeleteThe point is Bragg is old and there is only so much renovation you can do before you have to say enough is enough. Short term yes they can do something to dress up Bragg a little, but 50 million to me would be to much and a waste on Bragg and could be used in something that can last us 30 to 40 years. I like to think they trying to get the Athletics department out of the red and have that whole division start bring in money into FAMU instead of taking away. Usually football and basketball are the money makers for schools and that why they being focused on first. Also if FAMU wants to make more money from the football program they going to have to play bigger teams and those teams will not want to travel to Tallahassee to play in stadium like Bragg. When the last time we played a D1-A or even top D1-AA team in Bragg. Also your stadium helps in recruitment just like the new basketball teaching gym helping the basketball team recruit.
ReplyDeleteI do agree that something need to be done about the dorm situation not just for athletes but for all students. Having athletics department that actually bring in money can help with resolving that issue.
Although I agree that there needs to be major upgrades to the stadium, eventually there has to be a fundamental change to the way we schedule games before we can even make this claim. First, with only three to four home games per season and with only one selling out (homecoming); how are we expected to generate funds to pay for an expanded or new stadium? I have heard Coach Taylor make the same argument: "If you want a new stadium, you have to play more games home." With the exception of the Florida Classic, there is no need to give away home games to neutral cite cities for a portion of what we could make in Tallahassee. Think about it like this: in the case of the Atlanta Classic, before you pay the bills, you take home roughly $900,000. Now, after you pay for transportation, hotels, food, and other miscellanies cost, you might only bring home $300,000. I am confident that on a good home game weekend, we can generate more than $300,000.
ReplyDeleteSome will argue that Tennessee State fans will not come to Tallahassee or that FAMU fans will not travel to Nashville, but I disagree. Programs like TSU, FAMU, SU, GU have strong followings, and I will safely say that their fans will travel by the thousands to support their programs, especially to see a competitive game. Also, the only way these schools will ever really generate money is to host these games on their campuses.
Finally, before we can make the argument for a new/expanded stadium, we have the sell the current building out.
ReplyDelete...and there you have it folks. 12:09am said it all...
ReplyDeleteForget this refurbishing crap. We're FAMU dammit. Have ya'll seen other HBCU stadiums? It makes no sense for a SCSU, a NC A & T to have a better looking stadium than we do.
Let's see if we FIRE Bill Hayes and Bob Mc and get new qualified leadership we could probably accomplish a lot in athletics.
ReplyDeleteThere are several ways to finance Bragg renovations or a new stadium. Some posters have already mentioned them too. Beyond revenue generated from a fierce season ticket drive, more home games, more attractive opponents, and alumni donations, selling the naming rights of the "new" stadium to a corporation is another form in bringing in dough on a yearly basis (Please see UCF and Bright House Networks stadium).
ReplyDeleteAlso I noticed that UCF included student housing in the construction design of their new stadium. FAMU is in dire need of more housing for a growing student population. Does the state help in funding housing projects? Similar to how it was mentioned that the state helped fund construction of classrooms in Doak Campbell stadium in the early 90s, if the state helps cover housing construction costs, then including student housing in the "new" Bragg stadium construction design would be a way to get the state to chip in on the costs. Especially since the state has a poor perception of FAMU utilizing classroom instruction space efficiently. Trying to add classrooms to the design just to get state financial support would be useless.
3:26 am, the idea to have dorms built in the stadium is an outstanding one! If we put a plan in place to do that, we would surely have to completely enclose the entire stadium, which would "force" the hill crew to come inside of the stadium to see the game. Secondly, we would have to brick the entire stadium in because it would surly be ugly to have the field house at one end and dorms attached to the other end with bricks and the current structure standing bare.
ReplyDeleteNow, this is how I envision this happening:
Phase 1: Build the dorms behind the big scoreboard endzone. Also brick the entire structure in (please use the same brick/stone that the current field house is in).
Phase 2: Add another 5,000 to 10,000 seats in both endzones to make the stadium more congruent, which will bring the total number of seats close to 40,000.
Phase 3: Remodel current press box on home side, while adding luxury boxes to the student side. The new luxury boxes could be used as meeting spaces or study rooms by the students during normal times, but converted to these luxury boxes for the home games.
Now, while all of these phases are taking place, I think that the buzz of a winning football program as well as this construction will encourage more people to donate as well as corporations to give large donations (everyone will want to be apart of this building). Then renovations of the field house, ie, the locker room, weight room, meeting rooms, etc can be paid for by private donations. Also, the field needs a new irrigation system and new sod altogether, which I think can be paid for again by private donations.
These are just my thoughts on the whole thing!
The only problem I see with the ideal described above or even adding a dorm to the Stadium is first Athletics would probably insist it just be for athletes. Which I don't see a problem with that. But such additions would take away parking space from the area and parking is something you must need for a stadium if you want to increase its capacity and have more people attend the games. Parking already bad as is on FAMU. Personally I would like to see the stadium moved off main campus to the other unused land FAMU owns. Cause then you can build the stadium and facilities for Football teams how ever big or much as they need. I mean right now where the stadium is a bit tight and not much room to build what you may need. Plus FAMU could use that land where the stadium and football facilities are now to expand FAMU academic side. Just my thoughts on it
ReplyDeleteSee now this is what I'm talking about! A vision and a plan! That's how you start to get the ball rolling and money flowing. Doesnt matter if it's athletics or academics.
ReplyDelete3:26a and 8:35a I like your ideas. Only thing that I would change is the stadium turf. Maintaining grass surface on an annual basis is highly costly as you have read in the priorities. That's why I think that athletics should investigate using artificial turf. Not the old "carpet over concrete slab" astro turf, but the synthetic grass/rubber used at the GA Dome.
11:16a, Depending on the capacity of the "proposed stadium dormitory", FAMU could use the vacant space that Polkinghorne Village is currently sitting on and wasting as an adjacent parking area. I dont know what the plans are for PV, I've heard that they cant be renovated and have to be totally reconstructed due to outdated arch/engineering codes, but that area can be for parking even if they do reconstruct for housing. At most universities I've visited, students are required to remove their vehicles on gameday to accomodate parking patrons. Then a cat-walk bridge can be constructed to connect PV and parking to the new stadium. We could even sell the naming rights of the bridge. Now can you imagine that awesome design?!?
I've always been an advocate of FAMU having an official hotel near campus because currently there arent many lodging options in proximity to campus. I would design the new PV for those housing, parking, and hotel lodging purposes. What about that land across from PV where the transportation office and those trailers are located? They should be consolidated in one office building and that land used more efficiently.
3:58 AM
ReplyDeleteI heard they going to turn the Pokinghorne Village area into a new 800 room dorm. Which they need desperately. Which was why I suggested moving the stadium off campus. FAMU wants to increase its enrollment means they going to need more classrooms, expand areas like registers, financial aid, etc and that means a new administration building. They really going to need at least 2 to 3 more dorms to accommodate students and have room for growth. Currently they limited in building all this on main campus where most this stuff needs to be.
9:20 a.m. I think that you are right, as Dr. Ammons plans to increase the schools continues he needs to really consider growing the infrastructor along with the enrollment. However, based on location, I think that remolding/adding on to Bragg Stadium would be a better option than building a new stadium and tearing down the current facility. I like idea of 3:58 of building a massive parking gradage (like the that FSU has off of Tennessee Street) that would have a walk way that connects to the stadium. As I have said in an earlier post (8:42 am/7/13/09) it is unlikely that we will get funds to build new class room space; we will likely secure funds to refurbish our current spaces, ie Tucker Hall, and Dyson which are soon to be under renovation. Therefore, the idea of building a dorm that connects to the stadium will likely work in terms of getting money for the stadium. Think about it, they are desring to build an 800 room dorm where PV is, if they try to connect that with the stadium (and as I said at 8:58 am/7/15/09) place some sort of study space in the dorms that can be converted into "luxury boxes" during game day, we can likly get that paid for by the state. I think that the cost of demolition, land grading, and full construction of a new stadium will cost to much, expecially without state funds.
ReplyDeleteIf I understand correctly, the original premise of adding housing to the newly renovated Bragg was to include the dormitory INSIDE the actual stadium building. Otherwise I dont think the state will help out with funding to cut the renovation costs. Also what is the likelihood of the state funding both PV construction and a proposed stadium dormitory with the locations being so close? The state may deem it unnecessary and dictate it's either funding for one or the other. Basically, I think the only way we can get the state to assist in funding is if the dorms are included with the actual stadium/building design. I really like the idea of a bridge connecting PV and the stadium. But I guess the bride would only make sense if there is parking available up there near PV. Where could FAMU fit another parking garage/deck up there? Parking is still another issue. What would we do about gameday parking?
^^^TYPO: "bridge would only make sense"