Brogan appointed chancellor

big rattler
1 minute read
As expected, the Florida Board of Governors tapped Frank T. Brogan to become the next State University System chancellor during today's meeting.

Brogan, a former lieutenant governor and current FAU president, was unanimously recommended by the search committee and then unanimously supported by the entire board.

“I believe having strong and respected universities is crucial to Florida’s economy,” Brogan said. “We need to prepare the citizens of Florida for competition in the knowledge- and innovation-based economy. I want to work with the Legislature on a plan to prepare our universities to meet this challenge, as our success as the State University System will determine the economic success of our state as a whole. The sooner we move boldly in this direction to strengthen the state university system, the sooner we can take advantage of opportunities that exist due to conditions in other states.”

Brogan will replace UNF’s John Delaney, who stepped in as the BOG’s “president-in-residence” after former Chancellor Mark Rosenberg threw in the towel earlier this year.

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