Band campers prepare to strut their stuff

big rattler
1 minute read

Today, more than 400 band campers will showcase the skills and moves they’ve learned from the world-renowned Marching “100.”

At 2 p.m. the Annual Band Camp Parade will take place on FAMU’s campus. The route will begin at Bragg Memorial Stadium traveling south on Wahnish Way; turn right on to Gamble Street; then right on Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., and end on “The Set” at the viewing stand.

The grand marshals are: Linard McCloud, director of bands for Burke High School in Charleston, South Carolina; FAMU Trustee Daryl Parks; SGA President Gallop Franklin; and Mr. & Miss FAMU. The special guest will be retired FAMU Band Director William P. Foster.

Each year, FAMU’s band camp attracts hundreds of the nation’s best high school students, who undergo a week of intensive marching drills and musical training. Participants come from places as far away as California, Michigan, the Bahamas and Virgin Islands.

This week’s events culminate with the Super Summer-Fest Finale Performance, scheduled for tomorrow at 10 a.m.

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