Humphries working hard for FAMU’s STEM programs

big rattler
1 minute read
As the university’s Regents Professor, former President Frederick S. Humphries continues his goal of making FAMU the nation’s leader in awarding science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) degrees to African Americans.

Known for his success in bringing the best and brightest high schoolers to FAMU, Humphries is still traveling America and recruiting students to FAMU’s STEM B.A., M.S. and Ph.D. programs.

Research is another big part of the former president’s current job duties. He recently completed a five-year study on the production of minority engineers at major institutions in Florida. He also monitors FAMU’s rank in the production of scientists and engineers and reports this information to the Division of Academic Affairs. Humphries plans to publish a paper about HBCUs in the production of black scientists and engineers in an upcoming edition of the Issues of Negro Education Review.

Additionally, FAMU is putting Humphries’ experience as a federal grant-raiser to work. He is the co-principal investigator for FAMU’s I-Cubed program grant from the National Science Foundation which provides money for enhancing the university’s STEM education.

Always passionate about creating new financial aid to help students, Humphries is currently working with the federal government to develop a cost-replacement scholarship program for STEM programs.

FAMU’s eighth president is also highly visible in his role with the College of Law, where his office is located. He assists the law school with fundraising and recruitment.

You might also be interested in: Vanderbilt hires Humphries as visiting professor

FAMU aspires to be national leader in STEM education

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  1. WE LOVE YOU HUMPHRIES. We are eternally grateful for your ongoing committment to FAMU. Thank You, Sir.

    GO Rattlers

  2. I love this man. He's one of the most down-to-earth brilliant men I've had the pleasure of knowing.

    God bless him and the Rattlers!!

  3. Enough said!

  4. man i cant say it enough dr humphries I love you!!!!!!

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