Meek picks up Graham endorsement

big rattler
1 minute read

FAMU alumnus Kendrick Meek recently picked up a huge endorsement in his bid to become Florida’s junior U.S. Senator.

Bob Graham, a former Democratic governor and U.S. senator, says Meek is the best man to fill the seat he once held on Capitol Hill.

In a press statement, Graham said that Meek “has always put the needs of our state first and during these trying times, it is people of deep substance like Kendrick Meek who will help guide our economy from recession to recovery. Endorsing Kendrick is an honor and I look forward to spending time with him and the Meek family on the campaign trail.”

Meek accepted the endorsement with great words of praise for the role Graham has played in Florida politics.

“Senator Graham is the role model U.S. Senator and throughout my lifetime, I have witnessed firsthand how Senator Graham was able to better the lives of the people he represented,” Meek said.

Graham’s name is the latest to join a long list of political heavyweights who have thrown their support behind the Meek campaign. The congressman also has endorsements from: former President Bill Clinton, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Congressman Ron Klein, Miami Mayor Manny Diaz, Broward County Mayor Stacy Ritter, West Palm Beach Mayor Lois Frankel, Tallahassee Mayor John Marks and Gainesville Mayor Pegeen Hanrahan.

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  1. Who Cares? Charlie will be the next US Senator from FL.

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