Pharmacy grad receives national award

da rattler
1 minute read
Michael Bandy of Winter Haven, a 2009 Florida A&M University (FAMU) College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences graduate, has been selected as a recipient of the 2009 Pharmacy (RX) Portfolio National Achievement Award.

According to RX Insider, winners are carefully selected by a RXportfolio Selection Committee and Bandy was selected based on his exceptional RXportfolio submission as well as his outstanding achievements.

As an award recipient, Bandy will be honored by receiving extensive recognition and exposure with pharmacy industry professionals as well as national recognition on the RXportfolios Web site.

Bandy was selected to receive this award out of more than 9,000 RXportfolio applicants, based on his content, quality of writing and overall achievements professionally displayed within his RXportfolio.

"When I was notified that I was selected as a recipient of the 2009 RXportolios National Achievement Award, I was ecstatic!," Bandy said in a FAMU news release. "I view this as one of my most notable professional accomplishments to be chosen from a pool of some 9,000 candidates nationwide to receive this prestigious award. ... I am very excited to represent FAMU on such an esteemed platform. I will use this recognition to encourage others to be diligent in all that they do throughout their advanced pharmacy practice experiences."

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  1. Awesome bro Bandy!

  2. Those damn "2's" are at it again.....and again.....and again!!!

    Congratulations, Randy!

  3. Bandy - You are all that, and a bag of chips! Kudos!!!

    I tried to talk my sister into going to FAMU for pharmacy, but noooo! "I gotta go to Howard!"

    Is she ever hating that decision now, LOL!!

    She can hate, but never replicate!

  4. Congratulations young man. We're so proud of you. Keep up the good work and the best of luck to you. Thanks for choosing FAMU.

  5. What do I have to do to be a "2"? I hope somebody makes sure the Miami Madam gets copies of the press releases.

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