Shannon appointed to FAMU BOT

big rattler
1 minute read

On Friday, Gov. Charlie Crist appointed Belinda Reed Shannon to FAMU’s Board of Trustees for a one-and-half year term that ends on January 6, 2011. She succeeds former Trustee Pamela Duncan.

Shannon currently serves as vice president for compliance, equal employment opportunity, diversity and employee Relations for GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). She is based in GSK’s Research Triangle Park, North American headquarters. In her current role, Shannon is responsible for leading the company’s efforts in the areas of employment compliance, employee relations, diversity and inclusion, and other EEO-related matters. Shannon’s former responsibilities included management of all U.S. based employment litiga¬tion for GSK.

Prior to joining GlaxoSmithKline, Shannon served as an attorney in the Civil Rights Division of the Office of Solicitor, U.S. Department of Labor from 1995-1997. Before that, she worked as an Associate Attorney at the Detroit law firm of Plunkett & Cooney.

Shannon is a 1983 graduate of FAMU’s School of Business and Industry, from which she earned a B.S. in marketing and an MBA. After graduating from The Hill, she later received her J.D. from the Wayne State University Law School in 1991.

FAMU’s newest trustee is married to another Rattler, Keith L. Shannon, who earned a B.S. in political science and public management from A&M. The Shannons are co-founders of PATT (Preparing America's Tomorrow Today), an organization that helps students from under-served communities prepare for college. The two reside in Wake Forest, N.C. with their children.

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  1. Wow. Congratulations and thank you for being prepared to serve FAMU. Is there a way we can get Karl E. White to the board as well?! Or have him run the booster or alumni association. Or.., SBI!

  2. 4:20, you must be smoking!

    Karl White is on our board !

  3. I wish I was. Just following the old threads. LOL Please excuse my cross-eyed 4:20am gaff.

  4. LOL! Oldtimer's disease creeping in, I see.


    Congrats to Ms. Shannon!

  5. WoW!
    Now we can get that old dead meat off this campus of you hire me I hire my brother and sister and the entire family. GET SOME ETHICS FAMU

  6. 8:48 PM, we can start the clean up campaign by sweeping YOU into the dust pan FIRST!

  7. Congratulations Ms. Shannon. Your resume is very impressive. We look forward to you joining our board and helping our great university to reach even greater heights.

  8. Now I'm interested in the Board members.That wasn't always rue. Go FAMU

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