FAMU enrolls 2,047 freshmen

big rattler
1 minute read
FAMU opened its doors to 2,047 freshmen this fall. That’s 164 more than last year’s total of 1,883.

“We are thrilled at the increased number of students,” Provost Cynthia Hughes-Harris told The FAMUan. “We will make certain that they have a positive college experience both academically as well as through extra-curricular and co-curricular activities.”

To help with the increased demand for classes, FAMU hired 16 new professors.

Enrollment increases are critical to helping FAMU avoid deeper budget cuts and improving the university’s classroom usage rate. FAMU's past enrollment slump, caused by the actions of an incompetent interim adminstration, resulted in funding penalties from the legislature and a poor performance on the state's classroom utilization audit.

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  1. Rattler Nation,
    Thanks for the update on enrollment. Were the 16 new faculty hired on replacement lines or 16 newly created faculty lines?

  2. Good question. We don't have all the details. At the summer BOT meetings, university officials said stimulus funds would be used for faculty. Other SUS institutions are doing similar things. UF, for example, is using $10M in stimulus funds to hire up to 100 new faculty members.

  3. Way to Go ! Rudy Slaughter.......

  4. And 2008-2009 STAFF. DID THEY GET A BONUS???????????????????????????

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