FAMU tops Tenn. State 31-12 in the AFC

da rattler
1 minute read

(AP) --Curtis Pulley threw for 315 yards and two touchdowns to lead Florida A&M to a 31-12 victory over Tennessee State in the Atlanta Football Classic this afternoon.

Pulley was 24-for-34 and threw second-half touchdown passes of 2 and 26 yards to help the Rattlers (4-0) rally from a 12-10 halftime deficit.

Pulley's 2-yard pass to Max Purcell gave Florida A&M a 17-12 lead with 5:11 left in the third quarter. Pulley then connected with Isaac West for a 24-12 lead with 14:16 left in the game.

Tennessee State (1-3) took a 6-3 lead on Preston Brown's 9-yard scoring run with 14:54 left in the second quarter. The Rattlers pulled ahead 10-6 on Philip Sylvester's 8-yard run, but the Tigers took a 12-10 lead on Calvin McNairl's 1-yard run with 59 seconds left in the first half.

100rd brings their "A game" to ATL
And, at halftime the FAMU Marching 100 put together one of the cleanest, most creative, and entertaining shows in quite sometime.

The 100rd brought Michael Jackson to life complete with face and glove, and did a halftime tribute befitting a "king". The band's concert rendition of "Heal the World", backed by the FAMU Concert Choir, was second to none.

As one fan loudly exclaimed, " the 100rd should be arrested for what they did to TSU's band!"

You can catch clips of the Marching 100's performance here, here and here.

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  1. A few weeks ago there was some criticism of the hundred after the first game’s performance. Some even had the audacity to call for Dr. White’s resignation. I was a little offended that band, who we all know is the pride of FAMU, came under a little fire for a mediocre performance but I also know that our beloved band only improves when ones who know us best can provide constructive criticism when we don’t live up to the standard and legacy of our great band. This weekend the HUNDRED brought the FIYAH!!! Even the naysayers from TSU had to step back and give homage to an excellent performance giving proof that the legacy continues. I just hope the critics from week 1 will return to RN and provide kudos for a job well done.

    Hubba 100!!

  2. @ 1:03 PM... Well Said!!!!!!

    Where are the naysayers?
    The "100", will always maintain!!!!


  3. 1:03 p.m.,

    We all know what the 100rd is capable of doing, they just haven't demonstrated it much. This past week they did.

    The critics from the first week ARE the 100rd's biggest and most vocal fans.

    And, the football team didn't do a bad job either. Go Rattlers!

  4. 1:03 p.m.,

    The Football Team needs to work on its run defense.

  5. 2:56, I beg to differ. Although there was some constructive criticism of the 100, there were some comments that were outrageous. But again, the 100 understands its legacy and has AGAIN represented FAMU with excellence. We will see if the same virulence in criticism is matched by the virulence of PRAISE.

  6. As said before, the first game can be shaky. I'm not saying this as an excuse, but as a fact. Again, I am referrring to the first performance.

    It would be nice to hear from some of the haters, but many of them are probably choking on Haterade. Got Heimlich?

  7. The band is not the pride of the university. The band is the pride of former or recent band members who stay active for 10-15 years. The band still sucks and cost more than it's worth.

  8. 5:23, you're asinine! Even you don't believe that! When we didn't have a "team", the band represented! Your vitriol is so not a good look! Get a life, HIGH SCHOOL!

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