FAMU law’s first-try bar passage rate remains about the same

big rattler
1 minute read

The FAMU College of Law’s first-try bar passage rate stayed about the same as the last test-taking period.

In July 2009, 50 of the 95 FAMU law graduates who took the bar exam passed on their first try, or 52.6 percent. February 2009’s first-try passage rate was 52.3 percent.

Most other law schools in the state saw their first-try passage rates return back to normal after sinking across-the-board in February 2009.

FSU led with 91.4 percent of its students passing the test on the first try. The state’s first-try average was 80 percent and the average for non-Florida schools was 75.2 percent.

Many FAMU law students take the bar exam two to three times before passing. The law school’s overall passage rate is about 77 percent.

The full list of first-try bar passage rates is available below.

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  1. Hang in there Rattlers. I am proud to see that FAMU has its Law School back. From what I understand, the bar is not an easy test to pass, so just keep fighting and these score will jump right on up.

    I advocate more opportunities for Blacks to gain professional degrees. This not only helps to educate us in honorable professions, but it helps enable more Blacks to become agents of change and progression while also allowing us reach a higher economic bracket.

  2. That's right. Don't quit Rattlers!

    It's really a shame that the press doesn't report the overall passage rates. They pretend like everything stops after students try the first time.

  3. Yeah, the same crap as usual at FAMU LAW. Lots of talk and little action as usual. They need to work on teaching them students HOW TO REALLY STUDY for classes to prepare them for the bar. They got it too easy there. It's gonna be a heck of a LONG time before FAMU LAW gets anywhere near a 70% + passing rate in the future. Perhaps getting rid of a few of the "Good Ole boys" will help. That school don't believe in communication so that is half their problem.

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