Mr. FAMUs returning to The Hill

big rattler
1 minute read
A fairly new tradition at FAMU, the addition of Mr. FAMU to the Royal Court will celebrate its 10th anniversary during homecoming. As part of the celebration, all 10 Mr. FAMUs will be presented at the football game on October 24, at Bragg Memorial Stadium.

The Mr. FAMUs throughout the years include:

• Charles Wesley Lattimore, 2000-2001
• Exley Warren, 2001-2002
• Marion Slaton, 2002-2003
• Theodore Goyins, 2003-2004
• Ryan Morand, 2004-2005
• Hasan Flake, 2005-2006
• Philip Hamilton, 2006-2007
• Jeremy Mounticure, 2007-2008
• Omari Crawford, 2008-2009
• Brandon McCaskill, 2009-2010

“I’m excited because I think it will speak volumes to have the first decade of the most influential men on campus come together and represent something positive for our up and coming Rattlers,” said McCaskill.

The Mr. FAMU office was created during the 1999-2000 school by a Student Senate bill introduced by then-Student Sen. Andrew Gillum. The position was conceived as a way to highlight black male student role models at FAMU’s recruitment fairs.

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  1. I attended the Homecoming Coronation last night and was quite embarrassed by the new Mr. FAMU, Brandon McCaskill's comments. He spends too much time trying to be a comedian, kept referring to Dr. Ammons as "Ammons", and said his mom referred to HBCU's as "booty shaking schools". On recruitment trips, I hope Mr. Gaines will censor this young man's speeches. By contrast, I was thoroughly impressed with last year's Mr. FAMU, Omari Crawford's taped comments. He praised FAMU for being the greatest university in the universe, acknowledged is superior education at FAMU, and thanked FAMU for giving him the opportunity to earn his bachelors & masters. He also said that he is now enrolled in a great law school, NCCU, but in his mind FAMU will forever be the greatest. Lastly, he thanked the lord for Dr. Ammons, FAMU, his Royal Court from last year, the FAMU students, and his FAMU experience. What a class act. After listening to those comments from one of FAMU's finest, my wife and I have decided to increase or FAMU Foundation Giving.

  2. Look forward to seeing all of these young men at Homecoming.

  3. To 10/23/2009 7:56 AM

    "I hope Mr. Gaines will censor this young man's speeches."

    That is your opinion. Understand the current student elected him as their black male student role models. He should be himself, so that future rattlers can see the true current status of “men” at FAMU. No censorship needed.

    And Thanks for Given more to the FAMU Foundation

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