McCoy cleared; wants track coach job back

big rattler
The state attorney’s office has dropped the unemployment compensation fraud charges that led to former FAMU track coach Walter McCoy’s arrest.

Tallahassee police officers arrested McCoy for allegedly accepting unemployment compensation while also working as Leon High School’s track coach. Assistant State Attorney Neill Wade said he dropped charges after Leon High School Principal Rocky Hanna sent a letter stating that: “During this time frame, there was confusion and delay regarding Mr. McCoy's employment status at Leon.”

McCoy’s attorney said his client repaid the money in question and is now seeking reinstatement to his former job as FAMU’s men’s track coach.

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  1. one striking RATTLER11/10/2009 9:43 AM

    I"m thinking maybe not. But best wishes!

  2. He wants what?

  3. My recollection is that Mr. McCoy resigned !!! That means he quit on his own. He was not fired.

  4. "he repaind the money", which means it was illegal for hime to accept. There are enough criminals on FAMU's campus, please not another one.

  5. So, you people are the Judge and the Jury now. This was not his fault. If the paper work had been filed correctly the first time, this would now have happened. Although; I'm sure nothing of this nature has happened to you. Who are you to say this person is honest or not. I could say same thing for you. You are just like crabs in a bucket. You are always ready to pull another person down because of hear say!! Do you know him on a personally? I think you need to check yourselves first before you go around pointing your finger. F.Y.I. information he did not quit on his own. He did as he was asked to do.

  6. I agree with you. Sometimes we as a person need to look before you leap! Better yet, think before you speak. You could be wrong!! Then whose fault does it become. If you don't know what you're talking about then shut up or ask someone who might have more of the facts than you.!!!

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