SGA bickering attracts bad headlines

big rattler

FAMU is taking another black eye in the Tallahassee news due to recent squabbling within the Student Government Association.

On Monday, the Student Senate launched a dead-end attempt to remove Student Body President Gallop Franklin from office, approving impeachment proceedings against him by a nine to 16 vote. Senate President Asia McFarland said that Franklin was accused of not appointing “a chief justice in a timely fashion.”

The effort to remove Franklin from his position can’t go anywhere. The SGA Constitution requires impeachment cases to be tried before the Student Supreme Court. Dean of Students Henry Kirby explained that the court cannot even hear the case because it lacks quorum.

Franklin maintains that he has done nothing wrong, stating: “I was impeached by one-third vote of the senate because I would (not) perform a function that a certain interest group was pressuring me to perform for their best interests. I do have complete confidence in the functional capacity of the student government.”

Franklin’s tenure as student body president has had its ups and downs. He faced criticism over the selection process for the Homecoming concert promoter (who was later arrested after attempting to storm into 90.5FM’s studios) and the choice of performing artists.

However, Franklin has made progress in his quest to help low-income FAMU students who are struggling with skyrocketing college costs. He received a positive response for his more than $30,000 “student stimulus package,” that will provide students with money for book vouchers, study materials, and graduate school entrance exam fees.

As one of FAMU’s 13 university trustees, Franklin also successfully persuaded his fellow board members to waive the seven percent differential tuition increase for students who qualify for the need-based Florida Public Student Assistance Grant (FPSAG). With the waiver in place, FAMU's FPSAG students won’t have to request to extra grants or loans from the Office of Financial Aid to pay for the differential.

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  1. Does anyone know why the president didn't appoint the Supreme Court chief justice? They should be employing checks and balances over there.

  2. From The FAMUan:

    Franklin said he has been pressured for about four months to select a candidate that was favored by an interest group. He also said his initial selection for chief justice was obstructed because the person didn’t serve the groups interest.

    “I believe my appointment was blocked for fear that person may be chosen over their favored candidate,” Franklin said. “This is an important decision and I want to make sure that all qualified persons enter fairly.”

  3. Well Gallop don't worry too much at all!!! The interest group is going to be even mad come spring elections, for something is bout to come from no where and run things next school year.

  4. Gallop, did appoint a justice. The Student Senate did not carry out its responsiblity to even vote on the matter. Yet it accuses Gallop of ignoring his responsiblity when it fact they have ignored their responsiblity. The Senate is made up of "I" people. "I" want this person to be chief justice; "I" will not vote on Gallop's appointment because "I" want my person. The Student Senate is a JOKE and it needs to come down off its high horse and realize there are suppose to be three equal branches in SGA, and it is just one out of the three.

  5. The Student Senate has already earmarked Amari Jones to be the person that it wants to be chief justice. It is using the so called "impeachment" to force Amari in as chief justice. It will not work. Those sneaky underhanded cowards.

  6. Hey I personally know that Amari has been campaigning for the position since day one and has been doing everything in her power to undermine Gallop and his appointment. Talk about power crazed people, this is a perfect example of what a biased student supreme court would look like if Amari somehow maneuvers her way into being chief justice. The court will be a laughting stock... ridiculed for being partial and would not know its head form its a.. ( fill in the blank) let alone know how to interpret and rule on constitutional matters or important issues of concern. A BIG JOKE. Well let me go to this damn senate retreat meeting which is a JOKE in itself.

  7. So let me get this straight...The senate has been blocking Gallop's judicial appointments because it doesn't want him to appoint anyone other than Amari as chief justice.

    And now they're trying to impeach him for the problems created by the absence of a chief justice?

    Sounds like some stupid high school mess...

  8. Change of subject. Has anyone seen the picture of Kianta Key in FAMUAn with the placard saying where do we go from here. Isn't it a funny looking cartoon. Someone needs to tell that bit__ with those big ass glasses to grow some hair on that stubby head and by the way, where she needs to go is straight to HELL with a bottle of hair growth formula. The kind the men use...Rogaine since he looks like a DAK. Where to Ms. Key? Go get a new face, some hair and most of all a brain. I guess those lips of yours are made for s______. Go find one to suck on because your opinions sucks like a stinky d----. Of course, that just one student's opinion. Mines u bit-----

  9. Funny. funny, funny on Kianti. But true. We are LOAO down here in Orlando at the sga retreat while we surf the net during this boring retreat. The bickering and backstabbing has started, and AMARI and ASIA and their little girly friendds with no hair like Kiant are scheming and plotting the BIG takeover of the Supreme Court. Where Do The SENATE Go from there. Well to Kianti's stubby hair party of course. LOL

  10. U all need to leave the African mubutu short hair witch, Kianti, alone... she is a joke and everybody knows it. She just out to get attention...the writer is right,she needs to get some attention done to her head and go to a salon and get some weave to mask that mubutu-ness of hers. LOL. By the way, the senate has been a mess since Ricquel and Asia assumed power in 2008. "As the SENATE TURNS"--an old soap opera. AMARI as chief justice is like making turning the court into the "Tall and the Air Heads". Lord Help Us All. Back to the retreat.

  11. Stop with the Kianti Jokes. LOL Did you hear the joke about how many salon shops she went to and was turned away because they do not do baldies. LOL Seriously, the Senate is a joke and needs to go on a year long. long retreat and come back when hair grows on Kianti's head. LOL

  12. Stop, Stop, Stop I am sick of the Kianti jokes, and i heard she was sick of herself too,short hair and all. LOL

    Back to the senate retreat. AMARI for Chief of the Chamber of Air Heads and EGOTISTICAL want a BEs.

    ALL HAIL to QUEEN ASIA, so go back to the continent of asia.

  13. I tired of the senate bickering and this retreat. Going to my room and get a breather from this chaotic stupid mess about an appointment that is Gallop's and only Gallop's right to appoint. Senate get over it. The writer is right, this is a high school mess.
    Oh by the way, the Kianti jokes really cracking me up. LMAO

  14. Yes this interest group that President Franklin refers to is Delta Sigma Theta, however he pretends he has not given positions to member of his fraternity. A student who had worked as the Deputy Secretary of the Department of Economic Development at first was chosen to serve as the Secretary of the department for GNC Administration. The student was later told that he would have to serve as the deputy because Tony Brown would be serving as the secretary. The reason they chose Mr. Brown over the student....because Mr. Brown was the Vice-President's linebrother and they "know" his work ethic. The Department of Economic Development has yet to do anything this year, whereas last year they had several seminars and events. You mean to tell me that someone who has been working in the department for the past two years and proving he is worthy to direct the Department should not have the position because you want to appoint your frat brother? It has taken Mr. President a full semester to fully appoint members for his own cabinet, is the student body going to allow for that to be acceptable?!?! In my humble opinion they should! You all should be out raged.
    As far as the Judicial Branch appointments, none of those he has appoint have made it through Elections and Appointment (E&A) interviews. For those of you who do not know, the E&A interviews all appointed officials, those who receive a favorable rating go before the senate for conformation. this process is put in the documents that govern SGA in order to have a checks and balance in SGA. What has happened now is the President has made countless and invalid excuses for why he has not appoint 4 Justices for the Supreme Student Court and fulfilling the vacancies in the traffic court. He is stalling so that the person who he appointed can see his appeal through with Student Affairs. This person who Franklin appointed was on the Judicial Branch, but left the Branch after he felt he could not move up with Magalie Yancthe as Chief Justice. Due to this, the Supreme Court does not have quorum {enough people on court to conduct business}. Due to not having the ability to conduct business, there is not Supreme Court. Your SGA President has disenfranchised the Judicial Branch. Any cases that may have gone to the Supreme Court, now goes to Student Affairs (people who are not students, but administrators) that's how you ended up with Cater, rather than Casteo as Miss Freshman Attendant.
    So now people who are not students are getting involved and serving in capacities beyond their duties and powers. These are the same people who disregard the rulings of the Supreme Court every year. These are the same people who are telling the senators how to spend Carried Foreword dollars and how to vote during senate meetings. These are the same people who are trying to make SGA FULL who are trying to control your SGA, YOUR STUDENT LEADERS, YOUR MONEY, YOUR VOTE, YOUR UNIVERSITY. Wake you people, SGA president is only part of the problem. There has been a precedent of allowing SGA presidents to do what ever how ever they like. Checks and Balance is placed in the documents for a reason, to check people who over step their boundaries. Franklin is over stepping his boundaries, he needed to be checked!
    Did you know that one of his continuants attempted to contact and speak with him 4 times. None of that student's calls were returned. Now, I'm not saying Mr. Franklin had to return them himself, he could have had his VP or his Chief of staff do it. The fact is, no one for GNC contacted this young man for a month. Even though it's not in his duties to return all phone calls made to him, its out of respect for you the student he does these things. Former President Collins at the minimum had someone from his administration do that! Franklin is not running an effective Executive branch, he needs to be checked.

  15. Did you know before he was the President, he was a senator. A senator who did nothing for the senate. A senator who hardly attend meetings on Monday nights. A senator who ONLY showed up when he though he would be removed from his senator seat.
    Mr President is accusing others of the very thing he is guilty of doing. GNC=Friends and Favors Administration. To be frank, their administration is taking credit for things they are not doing. The Lyceum Series, what brought Ben Carson to FAMU, was funded by the 38th Student Senate and planned prior to the installation, not GNC. This stimulus money has yet to be distributed as of today. Where is that money? Did it go to members of "interest groups"?

  16. Franklin has appointed justices for the Student Supreme Court vacancies. The senate has refused to confirm those appointees because it's afraid that he might appoint one of those individuals as the new chief justice instead of their own favored candidate (who's presently on the court).

    Tell the truth!

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