Fans can catch HBCU senior bowl on CSTV, WSFA

big rattler
0 minute read
FAMU fans who can’t attend the 2009 HBCU Senior Bowl scheduled for today at 2:00pm in Montgomery, Alabama have two viewing options. The game will be broadcast nationally by CBS College Sports and webcast by the television station WSFA here.

WFSA did a preliminary report, which includes comments from FAMU Head Coach Joe Taylor, who is leading the East team. His roster will include FAMU players Curtis Pulley, LeRoy Vann, Bryan Parker, Anthony Collins, Steve Brazzle, Robert Okeafor, and Cameron Houston.

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  1. Rattler Nation, you're the greatest! Thanks for always being on top of things and providing us with "good FAMU news" that other news outlets, including the Tallahassee Democrat, conceal from us. I visit your blog numerous times each day because I know I'm more likely to find current FAMU news right here.

    Keep up the good work.

    PS Any word on the finalist for FAMU's new AD or Men's Track Coach?

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