Vann repeats as All-American

big rattler
1 minute read
For the second consecutive year, FAMU kick return ace LeRoy Vann was named to the Walter Camp Football Foundation 2009 Football Championship Subdivision All-America team.

The scintillating senior from Tampa, Florida, who ran back a school record five (5) punts for touchdowns this season, finished his career with NCAA records for punt returns for touchdowns (8) and combined returns for touchdowns (11/ eight punts, three kickoffs). He also wrapped up his career as the fifth player in NCAA history to finish with over 1,000 yards in kickoff returns and 1,000 yards in punt returns.

The 2009 All-America team was selected by the head coaches and sports information directors of the Football Championship Subdivision schools and certified by UHY Advisors, a New Haven-based accounting firm.

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  1. Way to go Vann!

  2. Congratulations Leroy and best of luck to you in the NFL.

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