A dental dynasty in the making

big rattler
2 minute read
Dr. Leroy R. Polite and his wife of 40 years, Helen Poe Polite, are two FAMU sweethearts who’ve dedicated their careers to putting smiles on people’s faces.

The Polites formed a bond "on the hill" at FAMU. Leroy earned a degree in Pharmacy and later a Doctor of Medical Dentistry from the Medical College of Georgia. Helen earned a Nursing degree from Georgia State University and a degree in Health Education from Edward Waters College. They are the owners of Economy Dentures of Jacksonville and South Daytona Beach as well as the Dunn Dental Laboratory.

The three Polite children have all followed in the footsteps of their parents by placing education first in their lives. All three children graduated from Jean Ribault Senior High School. Lorraine Polite-Clark graduated from FAMU with a degree in Pharmacy and the University of Florida with a Doctor of Medical Dentistry degree.

Dr. Polite-Clark's husband, Bennie Clark graduated from Central High School of Ft. Pierce, Florida. He also graduated from FAMU School of Pharmacy and The University of Florida School of Dentistry with a Doctor of Medical Dentistry degree. They are the owners of "Todays Dentistry by Clark and Polite," which is located in the Dames Point Professional Complex and Soutel Dental Center in Jacksonville. They have two daughters, Sydney and Lyndsey.

Lorette Polite-Young graduated from FAMU School of Pharmacy. She attended the Howard University College of Dentistry and received her Doctor of Dental Surgery degree and her pediatric training. After completing her pediatric training, she became a full time pediatrics instructor at Howard.

Dr. Polite-Young's husband Robert L. Young, earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry from North Carolina Central University. He also attended the Howard Universitys School of Dentistry earning his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree and additional two years of pediatric dental training. The Youngs are the owners of "Young and Polite Children's Dentistry" in Charlotte, North Carolina. They have two children: Ryan and Lauren.

Harold Gregory graduated from Edward Waters College with a Bachelors of Science Degree in Biology. He also earned a Masters Degree in Public Policy from The University of Northern Iowa. He is highly skilled dental technician and is presently working as a political fundraiser in Washington D.C.

Between the Polites, their children and two son-in laws, there is one nurse, one Masters degree, four pharmacists, five dentists and two dental specialists. With five dentists in the family, Dr. Leroy Polite and Helen Polite believe they have been an inspiration to their children as their parents were to them.

Photo: Seated: Mrs. Helen Polite and Dr. Leroy Polite; Standing: Dr. Bennie Clark, Dr. Lorraine Polite Clark, Harold Gregory Polite, Dr. Lorette Polite Young, and Dr. Robert Young.

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  1. Isnt this a recycled RN article? I could've sworn I've read this before.

  2. No it is not a recycled article. It is from a press release.

  3. Awesome. Now this is what I'm talking about. This is something that needs to be highlighted more. There are other dynasties or legacies stemming from FMAU. Unfortunately these days people have assimilated beyond thier own understanding. It's really not the desegregationist style of assimilation. It's the "grass is greener-I hope they don't notice me-as long as I'm the only token" type of assimilation.

  4. Yeah this is a recycled story, maybe not by RattlerNation...but it has been done. Its still a great story.

  5. But it's hella relevant.

  6. Great News coming out of Duval County....

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