26 FAMU athletes make MEAC all-academic team

big rattler
1 minute read
Twenty-six FAMU students-athletes have been named to the 2010 Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference (MEAC) Commissioner’s All-Academic Team. In all, 593 student-athletes from the conference’s 12 member institutions with cumulative grade point averages of 3.0 or better during the 2009-10 academic year made the team.

The following FAMU student athletes made the team:

Women (8): Amanda Reyes (WSB, Architecture), Kierra Holiday (WTR, Criminal Justice), Tiffany Morrow (WTR, Criminal Justice), Ashley Melson (WBO, Criminal Justice), Danielle Anderson (WBB, Chemistry), Tameka McKelton (WBB, Criminal Justice), Kathline Durden (WTE, Computer Info), Jessica Bond (WVB, Business).

Men (18): Jack Dash (MSW, Engineering), Akie Smythe (MSW, Intem, Agriculture), Adeyemi Oluwatobiloba (MBA, Psychology), David Duncan (MBA, Undeclared), Darryl Evans Jr. (MBA, Criminal Justice), Isaac Brown (MBB, Journalism), Yannick Crowder (MBB, Business), Christopher Walker (MBB, Criminal Justice), Gallop Franklin (MGO, Pharmacy), Elijah Jackson (MGO, Pre-Med), Forrest Jenkins (MTE, Business), Micheal Moore (MTE, Political Science), Cameron Houston (MFB, Criminal Justice), Gregory Lee (MFB, African-American History), Cory McCloughen (MFB, History), Padric Scott (MFB, Biology), Derrick Shaw (MFB, Social Work), Isaac West (MFB, Criminal Justice).

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  1. Congratulations Rattlers. Please continue to lead your peers to excellece.

  2. Congratulations to the athletes that made it. This number is too low (26) and I expect to see it double next year.

  3. Congrats, Rattler student-athletes!

    Although a great accomplishment, I'm wishing that FAMU could do alot better. Amongst our conference peers (MEAC), FAMU had the least number of students represented on the academic team. In comparison, Howard and Delaware State had 100 and 98 student-athletes, respectively. Even little old BCU had 54.

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