Tuition, fee collections fall $7.5M short of legislative projections

big rattler
1 minute read
As usual, FAMU came nowhere close to meeting the Florida Legislature’s tuition and fee projections during the fiscal year ending (FYE) in 2009.

The legislature estimated that FAMU would bring in $52.7M in tuition and fee money in FYE 2009. FAMU collected $7.5M less than that figure for a total of $45.2M.

Each year, the legislature bases its tuition and fee projections on the bogus assumption that every university student will take a full course load.

FAMU’s housing shortage makes college very expensive for the student body. Most students come from families that make $30,000 or less per year and reduce their course loads as the cost of college goes up.

Even though the legislature continues to use projections that are out-of-touch with reality, FAMU did actually see a big net increase in its overall tuition and fee collections. FAMU’s net gain was $5,825,368 in FYE 2009. It was only $181,627 in FYE 2008.

2009’s enrollment increase of 417 students helped bring in more tuition and fee money. FAMU President James Ammons also increased the university's institutional grant budget by $4.9M, which gave students more money to spend on classes.

Legislative tuition/fee projections:
2009: $52,778,244
2008: $52,367,797
2007: $56,427,269

FAMU’s tuition/fee collections:
2009: $45,262,162
2008: $39,436,794
2007: $39,255,167

The legislature estimates that FAMU will receive $57.1M in tuition and fees in FYE 2010.

Source: FAMU IPEDS reports.

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