FAMU celebrates Emancipation Proclamation

big rattler
1 minute read
To help celebrate the 147th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation, the Carrie Meek - James N. Eaton, Sr. Southeastern Regional Black Archives opened a historical exhibit titled "News of Freedom." The event took place yesterday evening at a special Freedom’s Eve reception at the archive’s Union Bank satellite museum located at 219 Apalachee Parkway.

According to some historians, the roots of New Year's Eve watch night services in African-American communities date back to the period of slavery. Bondsmen gathered in their homes and churches on December 31, 1862, waiting on news that the Emancipation Proclamation had been signed into law and that enslaved individuals laboring in the Confederate State were free. African Americans all over the country celebrated the “News of Freedom” with prayer, song, music, dance and fellowship.

Last night, African Americans and other ethnic groups continue to meet in their churches for New Year’s Eve watch night services. The “News of Freedom” exhibit seeks to commemorate this important, time-honored American tradition.

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  1. Why do we not celebrate ratifying the 13th Amendment?

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