Ammons instructed Vice President of Audit and Compliance Charles O’Duor to carry out the investigation and come back to him with a written report.
According to WCTV-6 the report will “include the three departments that were affected, Academic Affairs, Administrative and Financial Services and Enterprise Information Technology.”
Some defenders of former Interim President Castell Bryant jumped for joy when they heard there was a new payroll snafu, thinking it would prove that Ammons is managing the payment process as badly as she did.
But as usual, Castell's supporters have trouble with basic arithmetic. Castell’s payroll crisis affected some 700 employees. It was a meltdown, not a “glitch.”
This problem with payroll has been occurring for some time now since the whiz kid from NC has been in charge it's just that people have kept their mouths shut and not gone to the paper. This happens whenever we go from spring semester to summer and for each summer session. Basically there are so many paper contracts floating around no one in academic affairs, fiscal affairs, or EIT can keep track of things. I am surprised that only 50 people missed getting paid. The good news is at least now they can get an off cycle check.
ReplyDelete12:48AM is correct. The Democrat waited to break this story . They waited until FAMU got the number down from over 200 who did not get paid. This is the status quo.
ReplyDeletewhat's in it for the Democrat to wait to report a story ?
ReplyDeleteMy question is what is the problem? Is it just a glitch or is it a way to discipline those who don't have 12 month contracts? Is it way to destroy the sense of independence of faculty with research grants which pay summer salary. To make faculty who teach during summer feel like public school teachers never knowing if they are going to be paid. To increase the insecurity of OPS staff and make it clear they have no job security and there paycheck depends on the charity of someone else.
ReplyDeleteBy the way are you sure it was only 50 and not 150 or 200 for that matter? Interested in thoughts.
For all of you so-called knowledgeable people, the problem was the representatives for those employees did not turn in the new contracts on time so they didn't get paid. It is not a glitch.
ReplyDeleteI agree with 9:45 AM. Why does the Tallahassee Democrat even consider this news? If people had turned their contracts in on time, this wouldn't even be a discussion. All of you self hating people need to find something else to do with your time.
ReplyDeleteAs long as FAMU maintains SACS accreditation, continue to get clean state audits, maintain 100% passing rate on the nursing exam, maintain the Nations # 1 Pharmacy & Journalism Programs, then I have no problems.
Keep up the good work FAMU. Hold these lazy people, who don't seem to know what a deadline is, accountable.
I believe this is some type of low class power play by the "representatives" in order to feel empowered. It could also be that the "representatives" us this as a tactic in order to get the funds from the Provost for their faculty. After all this seems to be the only way to get the presidents/provosts attention. If your program is underfunded just have the faculty teach classes anyway the president will cover them.
ReplyDeleteBy the way are there any false claims of salary out of the 50 or so which didn't get paid? Given these numbers it would seem that there would be at least one person who would make a false claim. Exactly how much time does it take to decided to hire someone and why with a EIT system is there so much paper which has to move from office to office?
Hubba that 11:45! I'd like to include that there needs to be an enterprising and creative boom strategy and movement. And further morphing of all other programs into the caliber of the Pharmacy and Nursing programs. Recruit! Go FAMU
ReplyDeleteMost of these comments are funny and absurd. People have not been getting paid for years at FAMU. Everyone knows that--everyone on campus that is. As far as SACS is concerned, the whole thing was a farce. Ammons knows SACS--he knows that SACS does not really do any investigations. They just read the local paper. So the first thing Ammons did when he got back to FAMU was to meet with the Democrat editorial board and get them to stop printing negative stuff about FAMU, which they apparently did. I suppose the chorus of complaints about FAMU just got too loud for the Democract to stay silent. Ammons is nothing if not shrewd. A number of people also know that Fuse-Hall actually wrote the latest SACS report.
ReplyDeleteSACS requires clean audits and Ammons secured a clean audit. SACS doesn't just let people "say" the books are in good shape. Universities must PROVE that the books are in good shape.
ReplyDeleteThere are payroll issues in every major multi-million dollar institution. FAMU is no exception.
So these payroll glitches are the way we hold lazy people accountable? So instead of writing to the Democract we need to write to SACS? I agree that other universities have payroll issues but they are usually like not calculating benefits correctly or not making the university contributions to retirement plans. Employees not getting paid for work they have performed during the designated payroll period is far more serious and rare. Plus given the relationship of the current administration with the democrat there may be far more than 50 people who didn't get paid. In fact there may be people who have gone for several pay periods without compensation.
ReplyDeleteFamu.......major multi-million
ReplyDeletedollar institution ?
1:36 PM, I totally agree with you. My employer experiences payroll issues EVERY pay day. It's to be expected. FAMU is no different from any other university when it comes to payroll.
ReplyDeleteSome MFs like 1:22 PM actually believe in ghost. I'm also sure that he's seen "that woman in the big cadillac drive up to the grocery store with food stamps".
This payroll thing is an internal issue that the university will resolve.
Dr. Ammons told SACS what to do? LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL, ohhhhh my side is hurting. I guess he also told the Nursing Board to pass all of our students to, right?
1:22 PM, please DON'T EVER tell anyone that you are connected to FAMU in ANY WAY. DAMN!!!
1:58 PM, you sound like a brand new fool. If Black people didn't get paid for several pay periods, you would have to bring out the National Guard. And since I haven't seen the National Guard at FAMU, your comments are baseless.
ReplyDeleteoh come on name calling won't change anything-people working at
ReplyDeleteFamu and getting paid late if at all is nothing new...try again
What are you people talking about? You obviously know nothing about FAMU. FAMU faculty are constantly not getting paid on time. This is not a subject for debate. It is a documented fact. If you do not know this, you are ignorant about FAMU and I invite you to not offer your uninformed opinions.
ReplyDeleteThe sad truth is that FAMU faculty gets little if any respect from the Ammons administration. The most common view is if you don't like FAMU then leave. These so called glitches are a way to reduce the independence of the faculty and make them heel. " See you aren't so smart" I'll fix you. They don't complain as much as they should because they are afraid they will lose their jobs if they're untenured and the truth is they have little if any upward mobility can't go to another institution. So they put up with not getting paid.
ReplyDeleteAcademic affairs is the problem they are the ones which are supposed to process the contracts. See if any of the NC crew is held accountable.
3:40PM Unfortunately you speak the truth.
ReplyDeleteThis does not have much to do with Dr. Ammons but with the FAMU old guard of which he is a part. FAMU has always had this problem with paying people on time. This was a problem before Ammons, Castel, Gainous, ...on down the line. Since the problem is unchanged (except by magnitude) it has got to be something systemic. I would suggest, as have others it is the need to discipline the workers (summer teaching faculty, OPS staff, and Faculty with research grants for their uppityness for trying to be independent. This also seems to be unique to FAMU since this doesn't happen at FSU.
ReplyDelete5:15 PM, IT DOES happen at FSU. I'm an employee in FSU's Payroll Department and I can tell you that we receive numerous complaints from employees every pay day. FAMU is not unique in that regard. By the way, I'm white. My coworkers and I have a lot of respect for FAMU & for the job that Dr. Ammons is doing.
ReplyDeleteGo FAMU. Yea!!
ReplyDeleteWhat does you being white have to do with anything ?
6:44 PM, my being white is to let the FAMU Family know that "WE" have our issues to. I don't agree with many of you beating up on FAMU for the hell of it. Come on, where's the love for your school?
ReplyDelete6:30 p.m. you appear to be a fraud! We are not concerned with your perception of James Ammons. We are concerned with people be paided for work that they complete. Period!
ReplyDeleteListen, I absolutely LOVE my alma mater AND my former place of employment....HOWEVER, this is NOT a glitch. Employees being paid too much or not being paid at all, has been going on for some time. The campus community is relatively pleased with the President's performance, so they're not running to the press. VP Willis' area will also provide temporary relief checks from the FAMU Foundation, to help keep employees quiet. But it's very important to hold VP Hardee's area accountable, before we end up in a Castell-ish type of situation.
ReplyDelete@6:30, you are lying to say it does not happen at FSU. I worked there for many years and a payroll rep and YES, it does happen there and quite often. It is just white folks like to keep their bizness amongst themselves unlike us. We think running to the press with every freaking thing is the way to operate.
ReplyDeleteFSU has plenty of skeltons they are hiding in the closets over there!
2:13 PM, Amen! Not only does payroll glitches happen at FSU, but it happens at UF, UM, UGA, FIU, IBM, 3M, Shingles, Oleans & every other organization that has a payroll.
ReplyDelete"We think running to the press with every freaking thing is the way to operate."
ReplyDeleteWhat other choice do you have for justice what other way can you gain respect. And after all history has indicated that this works to some degree after all thats why Bryant is no longer at FAMU because people went to the paper.
Alos there is this culture of control at FAMU which is different than FSU. Not to mention FUS employees get raises whereas FAMU employees don't which also makes for a better relationship with management.
5:03 PM, why do you find it necessary to state what is happening at FSU? I'll tell you what is happening at FSU; their black athletes are getting pimped, most of them are thugs, there's nepotism like you wouldn't believe, there's more crime happening on their campus than the entire City of Tallahassee, & the white folks over there think Negroes like you are clones of Uncle Remus.