The shenanigans of R.B. and Ronald Holmes continue to embarrass many FAMU students. Jason Lawrence, a columnist for The FAMUan, says that the Holmes brothers should be stopped from using the Florida’s only public historically black university as an easy “meal ticket.”
From Lawrence’s opinion column:
Florida A&M president James Ammons took giant a step back in his effort to instill integrity at the university in his recent handling of Ronald Holmes.
The former superintendent of the FAMU Developmental Research School (DRS), resigned on June 30 after his contract expired. Instead of getting rid of Holmes, Ammons rewarded him with a position in the university’s College of Education, according to a university press release. While trumpeting Holmes’ accomplishments, such as increasing enrollment and designing a program to recruit and retain high achievers, the statement omitted any mention of the minimal academic gains he made while pocketing a hefty $110,000 salary.
From Lawrence’s opinion column:
Florida A&M president James Ammons took giant a step back in his effort to instill integrity at the university in his recent handling of Ronald Holmes.
The former superintendent of the FAMU Developmental Research School (DRS), resigned on June 30 after his contract expired. Instead of getting rid of Holmes, Ammons rewarded him with a position in the university’s College of Education, according to a university press release. While trumpeting Holmes’ accomplishments, such as increasing enrollment and designing a program to recruit and retain high achievers, the statement omitted any mention of the minimal academic gains he made while pocketing a hefty $110,000 salary.
That reads like a bad joke. Ammons is sending the message that the “old” FAMU is alive and well. Holmes’ tenure made a mockery of the university’s motto, “Excellence with caring,” considering that his hiring was clearly borne of shameless cronyism and nepotism that has haunted the institution decades before its current students were even thought of.
During his interview for the superintendent’s job, Holmes, who received his bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degrees from FAMU, “could not recall the title of his doctoral dissertation,” according to Thomas Jackson, former dean of the COE in a St. Petersburg Times editorial in 2008.
Prior to his job at DRS, Holmes was an assistant principal at Banneker High School in College Park, Ga., where he earned a reputation for improving student performance. However, while the students at Banneker made gains during his tenure, they still performed below the state and national average on standardized tests, according to the school’s accountability reports, which can be accessed on the Georgia Department of Education’s website.
During his interview for the superintendent’s job, Holmes, who received his bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degrees from FAMU, “could not recall the title of his doctoral dissertation,” according to Thomas Jackson, former dean of the COE in a St. Petersburg Times editorial in 2008.
Prior to his job at DRS, Holmes was an assistant principal at Banneker High School in College Park, Ga., where he earned a reputation for improving student performance. However, while the students at Banneker made gains during his tenure, they still performed below the state and national average on standardized tests, according to the school’s accountability reports, which can be accessed on the Georgia Department of Education’s website.
Furthermore, as an assistant principal, Holmes had no experience in being solely responsible for a school’s performance.
Making Holmes a faculty member in the COE after his failed tenure at DRS reeks of old time, FAMU politics. Ammons can be excused for hiring Holmes the first time. After all, he had just returned and was still trying to figure just how much trouble FAMU was in. But his faculty appointment is inexcusable.
This PR blunder can only be made right if Holmes and his trustee brother are disallowed from continuing to use FAMU and its patrons as a meal ticket. Removing Ronald Holmes is a simple fix for Ammons—it’s only a matter of issuing him walking papers.
This PR blunder can only be made right if Holmes and his trustee brother are disallowed from continuing to use FAMU and its patrons as a meal ticket. Removing Ronald Holmes is a simple fix for Ammons—it’s only a matter of issuing him walking papers.
But giving the younger Holmes the boot may diminish support from the older Holmes and could stand in the way of Ammons’ plan to steer FAMU in the right direction. It is up to Ammons and FAMU’s politically-savvy supporters to ensure that those who serve the university have its best interest in mind.
Read the full column here.
Read the full column here.
What makes it obviously bad is that we (FAMU) fired competent people at the same time we decided to keep Ron Holmes, some of whom were bringing money and prestige to the University. We'll probably have to fire more competent employees in the near future do to budget cuts, but we'll keep the failed Ron Holmes.
ReplyDeleteNothing personal here, but perhaps retaining Holmes was.
I don't understand how Rev Holmes gets a meal ticket from FAMU? I know of no case where he has benefited personality because of his place on the board.
ReplyDeleteIn regards to his brother at what is his faculty rank in the COE and did he receive tenure? I mean if he is making what other members of the faculty are making I don't see that as a financial windfall. Also are you not concerned that if you don't provide some type of safety net for the superintendent of DRS that you will not be able to attract the type of talent with the necessary skills to attack the problem. To solve the problem the superintendent is going to have to non renew non-certified teachers, you are going to have to pay higher salaries for visibility qualified teachers than the current staff and make a number of other controversial decisions. Who would leave a stable position without some guarantees? If Ammons wants people who will fall on the sword for him then he has to provide some security.
Dr. Ammons did not "reward" Dr. Holmes, his contract ends in Jan/Feb 2011. My understanding of his contract indicates that he serves at the will of the President during the course of the contract. Perhaps his "reassignment" is a result of this. While it is allegedly the opinion of the student, it is wrought with the thinly veiled perspective of those who have an issue with Rev Holmes in the first place. Nobody's perfect, this may not have worked out to everyone's satisfaction but let's move on.
ReplyDeleteMy only concern is that the DRS is in a critical state right now and solutions are needed.
The first problem to be solved is who is going to be the next superintendent? The next is the career stabilization and qualifications of faculty so they can focus on their jobs. Then define what can be done to better educate the student population. I like the idea of turning DRS at least partially into a residential school. This was done in New York with great success. Another possibility is to turn FAMU research farm into a residential work education facility. There needs to be some out of the box thinking.
ReplyDeleteAlso if there is no superintendent between Jan and June who will make the decision on the renewal or non renewal of contracts, new hires, and the salaries of new hires. Lookout another gravy train from N.C. is coming.
why is a superintendent needed for
ReplyDeletesuch a small population of students?
Do they really have any authority as far as new hires, non-renewals, salaries, etc. ?
Maybe they need whatever the latest trend is in educational administration and this would be the time to implement the change. Someone has to evaluate teachers, and staff and be responsible for hiring new teachers. I can't see anyone volunteering to be non renewed.
ReplyDeleteMaybe thats the problem their is no one on site in charge of hiring, non-renewal, or other administrative functions. Is it the Provost, the Dean of Education, or the president who is in charge of these vital functions? Or is it the principals ? I can see why DRS is in chaos.
ReplyDeleteBecause in its present structure, FAMU Developmental Research Schools are considered a school district. Much like Leon County, Duval, Orange etc.
ReplyDeleteThe notable exception is that this district contains three schools. Instead of having three principals, there are two with a Superintendent overseeing the two principals and answering to a School Board who is supposed to be governing over policy and procedure.
Now this is how it is suppose to operate, whether it is or not is not my call.
You do not resign and still get to keep a job no matter how long your present contract is. Resign means I quit, good bye, not let me take another job because I can not do this one. For RB Holmes, sitting on the Board of the University gives him greater statue in the community, especially with all of the ceremonial stuff you do around here. If you can not do your job, the honor of letting you resign allows you to find another job without a blavk mark (fired) on your papers. Holmes was shoved in the COE and makes a lot more that most tenured professors that have been there for a while. Just check if you do not believe. Salaries fall under the Sunshine Law, Rattler Nation.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the blogger @2:50 in that a good question is who is in charge of vital functions @DRS?
ReplyDeleteIs it the provost ...the Dean of the
COE...the president ....principals ?
The students really need some clarity ....
Blogger 3:00pm do not understand this personal issue you have with Dr. Holmes. Is there really a need to parade the man through the street. I for one don't see any benefit in doing that. I fact it makes it next to impossible to hire anyone with any type of reputation for excellence. What did Dr. Holmes do which makes you want to see him in the street without a job? Dr. Ammons wants to treat the man with some respect in order to have a chance of getting a good candidate.
ReplyDeleteAt best he only makes more than half of the COE faculty, the other half makes more than him.
Board of Trustees Policy Number: 2005-15
Separation and Return of Academic Administrators to Faculty
IV. Salary upon Change in Assignment to a Faculty Position
A. New Hire as Administrator
If the employee was hired upon initial appointment as an administrator, his or her new salary will be the median salary of the employees within the same professorial rank and discipline.
B. Tenured Faculty Prior to Becoming an Administrator
If the employee was previously a tenured faculty member prior to becoming an administrator, his or her new salary will be the salary held by the employee immediately prior to the time of the administrative appointment and any increases received by the faculty during the time of service as an administrator. These separate compensations will be noted in the appointment letter.
This is a shame!!! When a scandal like this takes place and you allow him to keep his job… where is the justice? Shame on you Dr. Ammons when you brought Mrs. Carmen Cummings to this University you told her to bring in her staff that she needed and whom she can trust you’ve allowed an unproven VP to fire them when in fact is Mrs. Cummings have done more for this University that you’re entire crew who sits around to protect you they are bunch of jealous women. I’ve always felt that Castell administration would be the worst one to work for but I find that hard to believe now that I’ve had a taste of your lies and your misguided leadership from you and you your Clique this is one alumnus who will say that it’s time for you to go.
ReplyDelete1:47, I've been saying that for some time now, and I wholly agree. There are sports boarding schools in America and its time we revisit the benefits of boarding the student population at or near 100% for some or most of the academic year(which should still loosely be based on our farm schedule, they should learn that too). Especially at the university level. I don't see anyone from North Carolina coming, but I do understand tapping people you know are loyal and who have ability and some intimate knowledge of how he works and the situation they'd be stepping into. I understand that this is a blog and anonymity allows things to balloon into drama when its not merited. I love the FAMUan and support it. But the editorials have been lacking inside understanding. Almost as if opinions are formed based mainly on st.pete times and street gossip. Some of us need to spend some time around other universities institutions and businesses and see what goes on. Somebody is talking about your household too. I hope they don't define you. These people have an angle and a strategy and its not new. Its agents are unbounded and we must keep working on our mission and be honest with ourselves about how we are doing and who and what is against us and our mission. Be vigilant Rattlers and demand progress in all aspects, the world needs our work and our mission. Get ready Rattlers.
ReplyDeleteas alumni I also agree that Mrs.
ReplyDeleteCarmen Cummings-Martin has been treated very unfairly-she is well liked and respected all over Tallahassee
She should be allowed to keep a staff of her choosing-people who she trusts
finally, jealousy is an ugly thing
I believe the challenge would be to make residential educational programs just that. I would not want to see things degrade into residential work camps. For once use the dollars FAMU has to do something different and experimental in a good way. DRS needs to be just that better for the College of Education to build on successful, innovative programs which leverage existing resources ( like the FAMU farm) to build something unique and sustainable like a rural based residential K-12 program. It is as interesting a concept as a dental school.
ReplyDeleteJust hire the best person for the Job this time. No favorites, no hook ups and maybe just maybe we can get FAMU High's grades up above a "C". Now that peters is gone the only virus left is Rivers. Mr. Johnson please Fire that germ ASAP!!!
ReplyDelete3:34 PM, go sit down and drink a cold glass of ice water. After you finish, pick up a 3rd Grade book and learn how to write.
ReplyDeleteI think Ms. Carmen Cummings is a wonderful lady and employee. Otherwise,she would have been terminated with the others on her staff. Lets get pass trying to run the university from a seat at a neighborhood checkerboard game. None of us are qualified to run FAMU, period! The sooner some of us realize that, the sooner our arteries will cease to harden.
Dr. Ammons is doing a great job in my opinion. Thank you Dr. Ammons. Keep up the good work.
What has either of the Holmes brothers done that irritates some of you people so much? FAMU High was in terrible shape prior to Ronald Holmes' arrival. The Rev. Holmes is a good man and I think he serves our university well. Stop all of this self hate and find something constructive to do like joining your local Alumni Chapter or making an annual financial donation to FAMU. I'm an alumnus and I've been making monthly financial donations to FAMU for the past 29 years. You should join me.
why so angry did somebody touch a nerve ?
ReplyDeleteIt is always interesting to read what Holmes and Ammons supporters have to say in these blogs. To those bloggers who think we're being rough on either of the Holmes brothers you are sadly mistaken. It's not that anyone wants Holmes out on the street, as if he ever would be, but what we want are qualified faculty and staff. Holmes was not qualified as a superintendent, his supposed administrators were not qualified, and their lack of qualifications - unfortunately - translated into incompetence that had an extremely negative effect on the student achievement levels, the school climate, and pubic perception, to just name a few.
ReplyDeletePoint blank, Holmes RESIGNED. This means that, thankfully, he is not entitled to the remainder of that contract, a contract he did not deserve in the first place. Unless, of course, Ammons is willing to admit that he made a deal.
Also, he is making MORE than most of the faculty in COE. If you're interested in how much he's making, Blogger 3:00 PM is correct that you are supposed to be able to request it and be told. This is true at any other institution where the law is observed anyway. (*Rumor is that he is making $110,000 for SIX MONTHS. I pray this is not true. Please God, I pray this is not true.)
If the man were at least competent there may not be as much controversy. But because he is so obviously incompetent and has been proven to be so incompetent, of course there is going to be controversey, as well there should be.
Now, for the love of God, please get rid of Rivers/Turner! Talk about in over her head, not qualified, and incompetent
It seems someone just may have touched a nerve for blogger 5:42. Just as an FYI (For Your Information), DRS was not in "terrible" shape. It was actually on the upswing. In fact, that "C" that the University keeps wanting to attribute to Holmes had nothing at all to do with him. That "C" was as a result of the efforts of Dr. Campbell, Mr. Richardson, and the faculty and staff who were there at the time. Holmes was only there for a month or two before the students took the FCAT for that score and the school year was almost over and other measures were already taken to get that "C" that was "almost a 'B'" and for Holmes to be given credit for that is a travisty. After he got there the school grade went down and the scores from this year's FCAT look pretty bad as well.
ReplyDeleteBlogger 6:57 is right, the man is just incompetent.
I'm an alumnus as well and it makes me sick that so many people have their blinders on and are willing to just support Ammons and this Holmes situation without question. Just because we question how ignorant a decision is and just because we attempt to speak out about it does not mean that we have self hate, it means that we have some backbone and intelligence. Calling it "self hate" and just giving Ammons a blanket pass is misguided and more counterproductive than anyone speaking out about it.
I almost feel bad for Ronald Holmes. ALMOST. He could accept the money and position knowing he's not qualified or competent, as he already did, or he could do the right thing and turn it down, but then who'd actually hire him except FAMU?
ReplyDeleteFor anyone in support of bringing Holmes to the university after his performance at DRS, I have one simple question:
ReplyDeleteLet's say you are a parent with two children, one in college the other in high school that both needed extra help in English (the subject). You hire a tutor and pay top dollar to help your child that is in high school with their English lessons. In one academic year, your child goes from being a C student to a D student. Your tutor then resigns from helping your child after some people, maybe close to you, question your decision in keeping the tutor after their performance. Would you then hire the same tutor to help your child that is in college?
Just curious.
I sure wouldn't!
ReplyDeleteAnd people wouldn't have to question me to make the decision. I'd care more about my child or children, which is why, as an alumnus, I hate to say that not one of my children will have my support to attend FAMU, especially the COE!
12:21 AM, for the sake (& safety) of FAMU, I hope none of your kids attend FAMU. The last thing FAMU needs is your offspring running around our campus and making us look bad.
ReplyDelete^^^^^ 12:34pm
ReplyDeleteWould you like to answer the question posed by 9:33pm?
If you was an intelligent parent you would reallize that the insttution your child pick does not make them sucessful. Yet, its what they do with their degree that makes them ahead of the game. This is why FAMU students excell, and sometimes over excell because at most times we are the "university of hope" whereas most universities have turned their backs on the hopeful. The academic integrity of the institution is strong, our production of outstanding graduates will not diminish. So whether your childs degree says FAMU or some other institution remember we raise our children to be independent thhinkers. If there choice is FAMU then be glad that that they pertaked to continue their education no matter where they are getting it from support the child regardless...
ReplyDelete1:41 PM, yes I'd be happy to answer the question. Sounds like to me, those two dumb kids took after their dumb parent. Some of these undisciplined kids are beyond help. Thanks.
ReplyDelete12:34 PM
2:44 please check your spelling and grammar
ReplyDelete12:34pm and 3:02pm
ReplyDeleteThat's actually not answering the question, but that's ok. The question was probably over your head (I mean there weren't any pictures).
Can anyone else with a reading and comprehension level of post high school like to take shot?
have school grades come out yet ?
ReplyDeleteIt's not the students making the school look bad, the administration and people like 10:53 AM and 12:34 AM are taking care of that. For all 12:34 knows, the children could be Rhodes Scholars, National Merit Scholars, and brilliant beyond belief. To resort to that type of thinking and language only shows his or her immaturity and lack of that independent thinking the other blogger was supporting. If 10:53 AM and 12:34 PM are “running around” our campus, that’s an even bigger stain imbuing FAMU. It is doubtful 12:21 AM even cares what they think or believe anyway. They are only making themselves look ignorant.
ReplyDeleteYes, we need to support our children and yes, we need to raise them to be independent thinkers; however, responsible parents must also put their children’s welfare ahead of anything else. There are other HBCUs and other universities and there are controversies on most campuses; however, this is the university in question at the moment. I agree, as an alumnus, I wouldn’t want my children stepping into this mess either. To answer the question, I also agree with 12:21 AM; I wouldn’t hire the tutor for college and I wouldn’t recommend him to anyone else for high school.
Let’s just all be honest here and bring the focus back to where it is supposed to be. I agree that Ronald Holmes is incompetent and unqualified. I’ve had the misfortune of attempting to hold a conversation with him. R. B. Holmes should not be on the Board of Trustees. He’s had his fun and now it is time to move on. Both R. B. Holmes and Ronald Holmes are blights on the FAMU community. Your opinions can go either way, but the fact remains that if they were not here we wouldn’t be having this conversation about them.
ReplyDeleteSchool grades won't be out for a while because the Department of Education has instituted a new process for figuring out the school grades, they are using a new company for grading, and there is some controversy regarding the FCAT scores and some districts are challenging them. Don't expect the school grades to come out for some time and expect the grades to be challenged by some districts.
ReplyDelete4:35 PM, you use a very small sample (1 student) to make your worthless point. At the university, Mr. Holmes will be dealing with a more academically prepared student. Get your probation officer to tell you what I said.
ReplyDeleteWell I guess tomorrow we can speak about the latest failure of FAMU to pay their employees. I thought the brain trust from N.C. Had solved that problem. At least that's what their PR machine said. I wonder who in the Ammons administration is going to take the fall. I would be curious to know if this is the malevolent work of the provost or the deans trying to assert some form of power.
ReplyDeletethe problem with the Holmes boys is that they are running this univerisity from the BOT. RB term should have been up on this board along with Jennings they should have been hit the road.
ReplyDeletebut because there supplier of monies (Bush boys) have moved on there getting there monies from the University.
open your eyes Famu Community what makes the world go around Money Money Money!
If you pass on FAMU because the Holmes' are around you're not a FAMUan. Get a grip, and HBCUs are no more likely to have these issues than any other school or institution. We tend to let Uncle Ruckus shape our acceptance of images and culture at PWIs so much that it all comes across as legitimate. Trust that FAMU nor HBCUs have a monopoly or even disproportionate pattern of nepotism, jealousy, greed, corruption, incompetence or, financial needs. Perhaps self guilt/hate or delusions of inadequacy are the real issues here. I'm not judging but I see it in many of us and the exact same in my friends and family who attended a pwi when they are around HBCU grads.In most cases its not provoked in any way but is the veil that we must all shed to move ahead as an individual and as Rattlers in a progressive manner. Go Rattlers!
ReplyDeletespeaking out does not equal self
ReplyDeletehate or jealousy ...last time I
looked there was still freedom of
speech or is Famu a communist
country ?
10:56 AM, THANK YOU!!
ReplyDelete12:19 PM, THANK YOU!
ReplyDeleteSpeaking out does NOT equal self hate at all. Recognizing that there is a problem does NOT equal self hate. Continually stabbing yourself with the same rusty knives (Holmes brothers)... well, you can answer that one.
10:56 AM,
ReplyDeleteOf course other universities, HBCUs, and colleges have issues and controversies; it is inherent in most organizations and institutions with any significant number of employees and hierarchical structures. The Holmes brothers are simply another proverbial "nail in the coffin" concerning the overall decline of rigor and substance at FAMU. As a TRUE FAMUan who still has ties to the university, I can honestly assess the good as well as the bad. It is a wonderful place like no other and it has a spirit that is unwavering; however, I still would pass on sending my children because, whether you want to admit it or not, the standards and rigor just aren't there like they used to be. I'm proud of the fact that I graduated from FAMU when I did and wouldn't trade the experience for anything in the world, but with Holmes being a typical example of the type of faculty they are hiring in the COE (in addition to "friends of the program"), regardless of the insults on this blog or anything anyone else would say, I would not and do not recommend it at this point in time.
12:21 AM
A friend of mine said she heard the same thing about Holmes making six figures for six months. His brother sure is looking out for him! Can you think of anywhere else that someone who has a failed track record, who can't remember his dissertation topic, and who can't really communicate can get a job making that much and actually be in a position to influence people? Oh yea, George "Dubbya" Bush WAS President of the U-nited States of America.
ReplyDeleteJust pray people, just pray!
I sent two kids to FAMU and would send two more if I had them. We have the greatest Pharmacy, Nursing, Journalism, & Band in the country and you wouldn't send your kids there? Since they have your genes & probably think like you, I don't think I will want them at FAMU with my kids.
ReplyDeleteEveryone is entitled to their own opinion. 8:41 PM wisely did not include the College of Education on that very, very short list.
ReplyDeleteThat really touched a nerve for some of you and took the focus off the ignorance and incompetence surrounding the Holmes situtation. So sad.
For goodness sakes, just get rid of Holmes, his brother,and Rivers. End this madness and just move on.
ReplyDeleteSince there is no where else to comment about the other viral FAMU DRS administrator--Mrs. Rivers--then I will make my platform here as well...it all ties in anywy. Mrs. Rivers does not need to be on that campus (FAMU DRS) come Aug. 23rd. She is the real enemy...she practically ran the DRS school operations. Anytime an administation gets booed at all school functions...even assemblies and basketball games, then you know it's time for them to go! I SAY GOOD-BYE MRS. RIVERS AND GOOD RIDDANCE!
ReplyDelete4:40 PM I agree with you!!!
If they give her another contract over at DRS something is VERY wrong! Get her out of there!