FAMU streamlines book buying process

big rattler
1 minute read
FAMU and Barnes & Noble College Booksellers have partnered to offer a feature that allows students to order their textbooks at the same time they register for classes by linking the school’s course registration website (iRattler) to the bookstore’s website. The innovative service eliminates the need to search for books one course at a time and provides students with the assurance that they are purchasing the right book for the right course.

After a student registers online for classes, he or she can click on the “Order Textbooks” link in the student center-self service. In seconds, the student will see the list of the required and recommended textbooks for their courses. The students can then decide which books they want to purchase and if they want new, used or digital editions. Approximately two weeks before the start of classes, the books will be shipped to the location specified in the order (delivery charges apply) or, if preferred, they will be boxed up and waiting at the bookstore.

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  1. Great! This is something that I've waited on for a while.

  2. Now all we need is an APP! btw the Athletics website is getting better. Still plenty of room for improvement and wow effect. It should entertain the lay sport fan and feed the hard core fan with information and media. Go Rattlers.

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