FAMUans asked to wear Orange & Green for College Colors Days

big rattler
1 minute read
FAMU is asking all alumni, current and prospective students, working professionals, and retirees across the nation to participate in the celebration of College Colors Days on Thursday, September 2 and Friday, September 3 by wearing their favorite orange and green attire or Rattler paraphernalia to show their pride.

College Colors Day is an annual dress celebration that coincides with back to school and the kick-off of college football season. The Collegiate Licensing Company organizes College Colors Day to encourage fans, alumni and students to wear their favorite college apparel.

Participating individuals can submit individual or group photographs showcasing their Rattler spirit to famucolorsday@famu.edu.

FAMU will highlight and upload unique and exciting photographs submitted from across the country onto the university’s social media outlets and “Snake Eye,” FAMU’s online photo gallery.

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