“We are so pleased to learn that the Accrediting Council for Collegiate Graphic Communications (ACCGC) has voted to reaccredit our Division of Graphic Communication,” said James Hawkins, dean of the FAMU School of Journalism and Graphic Communication. “This designation indicates that our programs have demonstrated a commitment to the criteria essential to providing our students a high education and serving the dynamic graphic communications industry.”
FAMU is one of only eight baccalaureate-level graphic communications-related programs in the nation to earn the ACCGC’s seal of approval. The ACCGC report stated, “It was obvious the faculty and administration worked hard during the past two years at improving the School of Journalism and Graphic Communication. The faculty within the Division of Graphic Communication expressed a positive view of the future and appreciation for the collegial work done in the past. All involved with this improvement should be commended for their fine work.”
This reaccreditation period runs through Aug. 31, 2014.