Lately, the event has drawn standing-room-only crowds in its original venue, and tonight will open in a brand new much bigger home -- Charles Winter Wood Theatre at 7 p.m., and Saturday, December 4, at 2 p.m. Also, the event has been re-branded as the " J-School Journals" will debut “Through the Lens,” four powerful documentaries written and produced by four teams of senior student filmmakers who are in FAMU's broadcast journalism program. The general public is invited and admission is free.
The documentaries will take a look at events ranging from everyday smiles, to the tears shed behind the Gulf oil spill, to the hopes of a Heisman candidate and the challenges of interracial relationships.
The documentaries to be featured this semester are as follows:
Each documentary will run about 15-minute each and students were encouraged to select their own topics of interest, work in teams of two, conduct the research, and plan and execute the filming and editing for a finished product.