Ammons will meet with students, parents, business executives and alumni in Ocala, St. Petersburg, Naples and Miami to award scholarships on the spot to students who meet presidential scholarship requirements.
“This year’s President’s Up Close and Personal Tour will give prospective students the opportunity to receive scholarships from the University,” Ammons said. “Despite these tough economic times, this tour is an opportunity to reassure students and their parents that FAMU can help them discover what they can become.”
High school seniors and their parents are invited to attend all receptions. To qualify for the Life-Gets-Better scholarship, a student must be designated as a National Achievement, Hispanic or Merit Semifinalist majoring in one of the following STEM programs: biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering, physics, environmental science, or mathematics and a 1800 SAT score or a 27 on the ACT. Other students who have at least a 3.5 GPA and scores of 1900 SAT or 29 ACT are also eligible. Recipients of this scholarship will also receive a stipend each semester for miscellaneous expenses, internship opportunities and a laptop.
FAMU will also offer the Distinguished Scholar Award, a full scholarship, to students who have 1800 on the SAT or 27 on the ACT and a 3.5 GPA. Partial scholarships will be offered to incoming freshmen who have at least 1650 on the SAT or 23 on the ACT and a minimum GPA of 3.0.
The FAMU Connection, the University’s recruitment/performing group, will provide entertainment. FAMU administrators, Presidential Ambassadors, members of the FAMU Royal Court, representatives from the colleges and schools and alumni will accompany President Ammons.