The university received $23,000,000 toward the cost of Pharmacy Phase II during the 2010 legislative session. If FAMU receives the full amount it is requesting this year, it will satisfy the remaining construction costs for the facility.
According to the FAMU Capital Improvement Plan:
“Phase II space needs include the following as part of the facility program: 1) laboratories for medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, anatomy, drug information, pharmaceutics, microbiology, applied skills, toxicology, pharmacokinetics, biopharmaceutics, and pathophysiology; 2) research laboratories, approximately 35 in number; 3) science faculty offices-45; 4) research faculty offices-20; 5) graduate support offices/spaces; 6) specialized research laboratories for NMR, mass spectrometer, ultra-centrifuge, confocal; 7) graduate program classrooms; 8) hazardous chemical storages areas; 9) laboratory animal facility and other campus supports spaces.”