Moving Planet Day, an international event being coordinated by 350.org, will call attention to the urgent need to substitute fossil fuels with clean energy alternatives. It is scheduled for Saturday, September 24, 2011.
The Green Coalition’s Moving Planet Day activities include “The Trial of Big Coal,” which will be held in Tallahassee’s Railroad Square.
During the demonstration in the quad, Green Coalition members placed signs along the walkways with messages such as “Big Coal wants you ignorant…” They also encouraged broader use of environmentally friendly transportation options such as walking and biking.
The Green Coalition was founded in 2006 by LaRae M. Donnellan, a professor in the School of Journalism & Graphic Communication. Its accomplishments include playing a lead role in helping FAMU win a $10,000 “Retool Your School” grant from Home Depot for a new rainwater collection system on campus.
This year, FAMU was the only historically black college or university to be listed in the Princeton Review’s “311 Green Colleges.”