FAMU Law welcomes largest class of Rattler undergraduate alumni

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FAMU All-Stars pose on the steps of the College of Law during Orientation week for first-year law students. Pictured: (front row, l-r) Ella Gilbert, Jennell Loper, Jasmine Anthony, Tanisha Swaby, (back row, l-r) Antonio Rosado, Racquell Perry, Katia Wilson, Alexis Peterson, and Benjamin Garcia.
For first-year law student Racquell Perry, one major variable that contributed to her decision on which law school to attend after completing undergraduate studies at FAMU was “atmosphere.”

"By attending the FAMU College of Law, the benefit is having a family atmosphere," explained the Miami native, who received her bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice, with a concentration in Juvenile Justice, this past spring.  "It is important that you feel comfortable wherever you are," she said.

Perry joined a host of ambitious first-year law students who began the three- to four-year journey toward the juris doctor degree on Monday, August 13, 2012, as the FAMU College of Law welcomed its 11th class since it was re-established in 2000.  "I chose FAMU College of Law because the faculty, students and community leaders genuinely want to see us succeed and they make themselves available in any way possible," Perry said.

Into a lecture hall filled with unfamiliar faces, Perry arrived at the College of Law for orientation two weeks prior, along with a handful of "FAMUly" from her undergraduate years at FAMU.  The 2012 entering class boasts the largest contingency of FAMU undergraduates compared to each of the previous ten classes.  And, like Perry, many of the first-year students holding undergraduate degrees from FAMU were identified as FAMU All-Stars.

"We are pleased that more students from our main campus in Tallahassee realize they can obtain a quality legal education at their alma mater," said College of Law Dean LeRoy Pernell.  "The number of All-Stars who have enrolled this year is a great indication that our mission is well received."

The FAMU All-Stars program is part of an initiative conceptualized by Pernell, which aims to attract the most gifted students from the main campus in Tallahassee to attend the College of Law in Orlando.  The program identifies top academic performing students who express an interest in studying law.  The students are encouraged to participate in a pre-law program that culminates with an All-Stars Tour to Orlando to visit the College of Law.

The program was implemented earlier this year when the College of Law hosted nine of the FAMU All-Stars for an inaugural tour in February. A total of nine All-Stars enrolled at the College of Law for the 2012-13 academic year, including Racquell Perry and Ella Gilbert.

"The most interesting aspect of making the transition from FAMU undergrad to law school is my route to law school," explained Gilbert, a West Palm Beach native, who holds a bachelor's degree in Business Administration.  "I am a non-traditional full-time law student and have worked over 12 years before returning to school."

Gilbert earned a Masters degree immediately after completing her undergraduate studies, and now embraces the added benefit of continuing her studies with FAMU.  "Florida A&M University College of Law offered the best overall value for me: lowest cost of attendance in Florida; excellent faculty; challenging academics; and a diverse student body population," the All-Star said. 

"Students will receive a legal education in a supportive environment," Gilbert expressed.  "The faculty and staff embrace the University's motto 'Excellence with Caring' and are committed to creating an environment conducive to academic success and preparation for life beyond law school."

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