FAMU moot court team takes top honors in competition

big rattler
1 minute read
Pictured (l-r): Assistant Professor Rebecca Olavarria, coach; Cameryn Justice Rivera, second-year law student; Mfon Etukeren, third-year law student; and Assistant Professor Kristy D’Angelo-Corker, coach. 
Two FAMU College of Law students won the inaugural Puerto Rican Bar Association Moot Court Competition.  The team was comprised of third-year law student Mfon Etukeren and second-year law student Cameryn Justice Rivera.  They earned top honors in the moot court competition beating teams from the University of Florida Levin College of Law, Fordham Law School and Barry University Dwayne O. Andreas School of Law.

The contest was hosted by the Puerto Rican Bar Association and will be held each year in a different city.  Moot Court competitions simulate actual court proceedings at the appellate level. Participants in this year’s competition received a set of hypothetical facts involving the constitutional rights of Puerto Ricans living in Puerto Rico to vote for President of the United States.  The teams were required to write briefs and then argue the “case” before a panel of three judges selected by the competition organizers.
The FAMU College of Law Moot Court program is directed by Professor William Henslee, and the winning team was coached by Professors Rebecca Olavarria and Kristy D’Angelo-Corker.

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