Ex-piccolo player sentenced to community service for misdemeanor hazing

big rattler
1 minute read
An Orange County court sentenced Jamon Green, a former Marching 100 student accused of participating in the hazing a female band member, to perform 50 hours of community service.

Green, a piccolo player, was arrested on misdemeanor hazing charges in connection with the “Cross Bus C” ritual that took place after the band’s performance at the 2011 Florida Classic. The Orange County Sheriff’s Office said he assisted Lissette Sanchez as she tried to complete the illegal ritual, which required her to run through a charter bus as members of the percussion section physically assaulted her.

According to an arrest affidavit written by Orange County Detective David Phelan, “Jamon Green provided a sworn audio record statement advising that he was on the bus during the hazing incidents on Saturday, November 19, 2011, and helped Lissette Sanchez through the ‘cross over’ process by pushing and pulling her towards the back of the bus.”

Green told detectives that he had crossed Bus C on Friday, Nov. 18 and wanted to help his friend make it through the hazing process, too.  

The Orlando Sentinel reported that Judge Martha Adams also told Green that he must make “the best attempt possible” to complete his studies and graduate from FAMU.

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