Probation lifted for FAMU's cardiopulmonary science program

big rattler
1 minute read
The Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Therapy (CoARC) has voted to lift the probationary status of the FAMU cardiopulmonary science program, which is housed in the School of Allied Health Sciences. This means the program is in good standing with no qualifications on its status.

“Our director of the cardiopulmonary science program, Dr. Mary Simmons, and the faculty are to be commended,” said Cynthia Hughes Harris, dean of the School of Allied Health Sciences. “They worked tirelessly and diligently to have the probationary status reversed.”

According to the letter received by Thomas Smalling, executive director of CoARC, the commission commended Interim President Larry Robinson and the faculty of the School of Allied Health Sciences for their commitment to continuous quality improvement in education.

The next comprehensive evaluation of the program, including an on-site review, is scheduled to occur no later than 2014.

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