Vetting of potential band directors carries high stakes for FAMU

big rattler
1 minute read
On Wednesday, FAMU Interim President Larry Robinson assured trustees that the four finalists for the Marching 100 directorship were asked to reveal what encounters, if any, they’ve had with hazing and how they responded.

He made the statement in response to questions raised by Trustee Marjorie Turnbull.

“Have they ever been hazed?” she asked concerning the candidates. “Have they ever hazed anyone? Have they ever been involved with a band that had hazing? If so, what did they do about it, and not just behind the scenes, but, publicly to eliminate hazing.”

Turnbull said she wants to avoid any embarrassing media revelations.

“The media is going to be all over this story. We don't want anything popping up after we hire the director. So, I'm assuming that these questions have been asked, that we understand where each of the candidates are coming from on this.”

Faculty Senate President Narayan Persaud said his representative on the band director search committee claimed that the types of questions Turnbull raised weren’t being asked.

The finalists have not been mum on hazing since stepping onto campus. The Office of Public Relations conducted video interviews with the candidates that asked them to directly address how they have dealt with the issue of hazing in the past and how they would work to enforce the university’s no-hazing policies. Some of the clips from those interviews appeared in a news story the university released earlier this week.

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