The recommended grant awards will support the following research projects of faculty at the FAMU-Florida State University (FAMU-FSU) College of Engineering:
than $1.9 million to support research at the university for the next three years. The U.S. DOD Research and Education Program for Historically Black Colleges and Universities/Minority-Serving Institutions (HBCU/MI) provides support through the DOD’s U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command Army Research Office.
- High Temperature Supersonic Jet Noise-Fundamental Studies and Control using Advanced Actuation Methods (Farrukh Alvi);
- A Novel Approach to Adaptive Flow Separation Control (Emmanuel Collins);
- Towards Ultra-light Weight Hybrids, Foams and Green Bodies: Structure-Property Relationships in Novel Polymer Grafted Nanoparticles (Subramanian Ramakrishnan); and
- Simulation of Fluid-Structure Interaction for High-Reynolds-Number Compressible Flow (Kunihiko Taira).
“FAMU is extremely excited about these research initiatives and the faculty’s dedication in conducting research and training the next generation of engineers,” said K. Ken Redda, professor and interim vice president for research.
The Research and Education Program for HBCU/MI enhances research programs and capabilities in scientific and engineering disciplines critical to the national security functions of the DOD; it encourages greater participation by HBCU/MIs in DOD research and education programs and activities; increases the number of graduates, including underrepresented minorities, in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM); and encourages research and educational collaboration with other institutions of higher education.