Orlando alumni donate $3,000 to Rattler football

big rattler
1 minute read
The Chalk Talk Tour rolled into its second stop on Tuesday, visiting the Skyline Box at the Florida Citrus Bowl in Orlando. Chuck Lewis, president of the Orlando Chapter of the FAMU National Alumni Association, presided over the event, which raised $3,000 for the football program.

FAMU Athletics assistant athletic director for Marketing and Development, Angela Suggs, talked of the need for Rattlers to support the efforts of athletics.

“We’re in a climate where nobody else is going to do this for us,” Suggs said.  “We want to see a successful team on the field every time they put on orange and green and what we’re asking is for you to be a critical part of that effort…We cannot be successful without our alumni galvanizing in support of our team.”

Head Coach Earl Holmes addressed the room in his usual unfiltered way. 

“When I took over as coach for the NCCU game, which was homecoming, which was also just three days before the game, I told my kicker Chase Varnadore to get his leg ready, because if we can’t punch it in, we’re going to kick it.  He kicked five field goals to win that day.  This year, we want six points when we get that close,” Holmes said.

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