Tampa Rattlers raise $9,000 for football program at Walter L. Smith Library

big rattler
1 minute read
The Chalk Talk tour had a big day a Tampa’s Walter L. Smith Library and Museum.  The alumni, fans, and community supports in attendance made the largest donation thus far on the tour, pulling in $9,000. Former FAMU President Walter L. Smith appeared to personally greet the event’s guests.

During the gathering, the audience heard a heart-felt fundraising plea from Jackie Hearne. Hearne, a former member of the 1978 NCAA Division I-AA national championship Rattler football team, expressed the urgency in helping the FAMU gridders return to the level of achievement they boasted back when he wore a jersey.

“This is our opportunity to get back to the greatness that we were,” Hearne. “When we played, we didn’t care who the opponent was, we felt we were there to win.  I just feel that this situation is right.  Here is my check for $500 to this cause, and I want all of you here to call the rest of the people who should have been here today and make sure to get their checks, because it’s time we stopped just talking about it, because we need to support our school.”

The guests included Wendell Duggins (Tampa Alumni Chapter President), Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rutledge (Upper Pinellas), Barry White Darby (FAMU Tampa Bay Alumni Retirees), Maurice Pickett (Florida Regional VP FAMU National Alumni Association), and Carolyn Collins (past president of the FAMU National Alumni Association). The event also had a special surprise guest as Tampa Bay Buccaneers defensive coach Brian Cox, formerly an All-Pro linebacker for the Miami Dolphins and Chicago Bears.

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