FAMU volleyball clinches Southern Division title, remains perfect in MEAC

big rattler
1 minute read
The FAMU netters clinched the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference (MEAC) Southern Division title this weekend by way of a 3-1 win over North Carolina A&T and a 3-0 shutout of the North Carolina Central. The Lady Rattlers now stand at 13-6 on the season, 9-0 in the MEAC. 

Ginna Lopez-Chavez led all scorers with 11 kills on the day. Following her was a balanced attack of scoring as Yeisha Arcia (9), Erika DeVaughn (8), Dei'Ja Martin (7) and Katherine Huanec (6) paced the Rattlers.

Diana Gonzales had one of her best matches scoring, as she dished out 34 assists on the day. Joanie DelCastillo led the Lady Rattlers with 12 digs.

The Lady Rattlers will prepare for their final MEAC game of the season on Nov. 10 as they take on the Wildcats of Bethune-Cookman.  This game has been designated a "Pack the Pit" night, as the Rattlers attempt to set the MEAC record for attendance.  The game is free in the Al Lawson Center and doors open at 2 p.m.  The game will also be Webcast free of charge on Rattler Vision. 

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