FAMU president names new special assistant

big rattler
1 minute read
Funmi Ojetayo has been appointed special assistant to FAMU President Elmira Mangum.

Ojetayo, who specializes in litigation, public policy and international relations, began his appointment on April 28.

He most recently served as a law clerk for the Tompkins County Department of Social Services in Ithaca, N.Y., where he represented the agency before county and New York state courts. Prior to that he served as a law clerk to the deputy chief justice of South Africa at the Constitutional Court, the highest court in South Africa.

He received his juris doctor from the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law and his bachelor of science degree in industrial and labor relations from Cornell University, where he later served as a law clerk with the Office of University Counsel to provide litigation support to the institution’s attorneys. He also studied globalization at Ithaca College - London Centre.

Ojetayo previously served as an attorney with the University of Maryland Law School’s immigration clinic and has lent his talents to protect and promote human rights as a law clerk with the South Africa Law Reform Commission in Pretoria, South Africa and as a program manager with New York’s Friends of Africa International.

During his tenure with Friends of Africa, Ojetayo was responsible for monitoring various regions and nations across the African continent for human rights compliance pursuant to the Universal Declaration on Human Rights.

In addition to his passion for human rights advocacy, Ojetayo is devoted to community service. He is a volunteer for Habitat for Humanity, Project JumpStart Homeless Outreach and Community Law in Action.

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