Earlier this year, Nelson shared his research findings at
the Future Renewable Electric Energy Delivery and Management (FREEDM) Annual
Industry Review and Conference in Raleigh, NC. His delivery led him to win the
award for best presentation in the “Energy Storage Systems and Electric
Vehicles” session.
Nelson, who is advised by FAMU-FSU College of Engineering Professor Mark H. Weatherspoon, spoke
about the results of his research in a paper entitled: “Computational Analysis
of Interfacial Capacitance of a Li-O2 Cell Using Electrochemical Impedance
The FREEDM initiative is sponsored by funds from the
National Science Foundation. It is the product of a collaborative effort
between Florida A&M University, Florida State University, North Carolina
State University, Missouri University of Science and Technology, and Arizona
State University to establish secure, sustainable, and clean energy.
Nelson is a native of Fort Lauderdale who earned his
bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from FAMU in 2007. He currently
works as a graduate patent associate in the FAMU Office of Technology Transfer.