FAMU Law third-year student Loren Vasquez and second-year
student Tameka Franco took the top honor as Best Team over Cornell University
Law School, University of North Carolina School of Law, St. John's University
School of Law, New York Law School, Barry University School of Law,
Inter-American University of Puerto Rico, Nova Southeastern University, and
Catholic University of Puerto Rico.
Franco also received the Best Advocate Award for the competition.
This is the third year that FAMU Law has won the Best Team Award, and the second consecutive year a member of the team was selected as the competition's Best Advocate. The FAMU Law team was coached by Professors Kristy D'Angelo-Corker and Rebecca OlavarrĂa. The FAMU College of Law Moot Court program is directed by Professor William Henslee.
The competition was hosted by the Puerto Rican Bar
Association of Florida and is held each year in a different city. Moot court
competitions simulate actual court proceedings at the appellate level. Participants in the competition received a
set of hypothetical facts involving the applicability of the Federal Death
Penalty Act to individuals who commit crimes in the Commonwealth of Puerto
Rico. The teams were required to write
briefs and then argue the “case” before a panel of judges selected by the
competition organizers.