Last year, the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering received an
additional $10,000,000 from the Florida Legislature to continue its $30,000,000 Phase III construction
According to GRC Architects: “Phase III will consist of a new building, renovations to the existing buildings, Buildings A and B and some incidental remodeling in both buildings.”
According to GRC Architects: “Phase III will consist of a new building, renovations to the existing buildings, Buildings A and B and some incidental remodeling in both buildings.”
The first part of the project, which the legislature funded with $3,565,572 in 2012, is complete. It consisted of the following: boiler and generator replacement, HVAC renovations, building envelope improvements, and re-roofing.
A briefing document presented to the FAMU Board of Trustees
Facilities Planning Committee, states that the current set of renovations will cover “accessibility
and energy plant improvements at buildings A and B; envelope renovations, fire
alarm upgrades, first and third floor north renovations [in Building A], and
South wing HVAC replacements at building A.”