Alston released after being booked on probation violation charge

big rattler
1 minute read
Corey Alston, the former chairman of the FAMU Foundation, has been released after being charged
with a probation violation.

The records of the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office show that Alston was booked on September 28, 2015 and released on October 22, 2015.

According to a September 16, 2014 article in the Palm Beach Post, Alston “decided to plead guilty on Monday to one felony charge of grand theft, a misdemeanor charge of corrupt misuse of an official position and to reimburse the city [of South Bay, Fla.] $48,000.”

The newspaper added that “since Palm Beach County Circuit Judge Stephen Rapp agreed to withhold adjudication on the grand theft charge, Alston won’t have a felony record.”

The court sentenced Alston to serve five years on probation (with the first six months on house arrest) and complete 100 hours of community service.

Back on March 23, the Palm Beach Post reported that a judge had granted a request Alston made for early release from his house arrest so he could travel to South Carolina to see his children and ex-wife. The judge also permitted him to stop wearing a GPS monitor.

Alston is a former member of the FAMU Board of Trustees. He stepped down as the chairman of the FAMU Foundation in 2013 in the wake of the grand theft charge against him in Palm Beach County. But his name remained on the list of board members for months afterward.

A May 5 post on Rattler Nation reported that Alston’s name was finally gone from the list of FAMU Foundation Board of Directors members on

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