Alumna Kathy Times tapped to lead FAMU Communications

big rattler
2 minute read
On Thursday, Interim President Larry Robinson announced the appointment of Kathy Y. Times as the new Executive Associate Director of the Florida A&M University (FAMU) Office of Communications. The appointment is effective Thursday, Oct. 6.

In this role, Times will be responsible for developing and implementing all of the University’s marketing, mass communications, and social media strategies.

Times is president of Yellow Brick Media Concepts, a public relations firm. Prior to starting her company, she was a primary news anchor in Jackson, Miss., and worked as a broadcast and newspaper reporter. She has won Emmys and other awards for her investigative reporting.

From 2009-2011, Times served as president of the National Association of Black Journalists. The FAMU School of Journalism and Graphic Communication and FAMU National Alumni Association (FAMU NAA) honored her with Distinguished Alumni Awards.

According to Robinson, Times brings to FAMU a reputation for helping universities, government agencies, and corporations build and strengthen their brands.

“Ms. Times has a proven record of success in the realms of communications, marketing, and media relations,” Robinson said. “Coupled with her unwavering passion and commitment to FAMU, I am confident that she will be a great asset to the University and will provide strong leadership to our efforts to bolster, heighten, and disseminate the numerous positive attributes of the University.”

Times said leading FAMU’s communications efforts is among the highlights of her career. As a dedicated alumna, Times also serves as the public relations committee chair of the FAMU NAA.

Times said, “I fell in love with FAMU as a child when my mother took me to FAMU football games and parades. As a second generation Rattler, I am humbled and grateful that Dr. Robinson has entrusted me with the job of accentuating the great things happening at FAMU.”

She added, “FAMU’s culture, high expectations, and love put me on a path that led to a rewarding career. I have had the privilege to work on various consulting, marketing, and recruitment projects at FAMU, and look forward to joining the communications team and serving the University and its stakeholders.”

Times graduated with honors and earned dual Bachelor of Science degrees in computer information systems and journalism at FAMU. She furthered her education at Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism, where she earned a master’s degree in journalism.

As an example of her versatility and passion for teaching, she is the co-author of the digital branding e-book, “How To Wow One or 1,000 for College Students.”

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