Mangum still hasn’t signed separation agreement with FAMU

big rattler
1 minute read
The FAMU Board of Trustees (BOT) voted 10-1 on September 15 to accept the separation agreement offered by attorneys representing then-President Elmira Mangum. But yesterday, the trustees learned that Mangum still hasn’t placed her signature on the final document.

An article by the News Service of Florida reported that Adrienne Conrad, an attorney representing the BOT “said she was ‘hopeful’ but not ‘confident’ that Mangum would sign the revised agreement shortly.” According to the article, Conrad explained that Mangum has asked for some additional changes to the agreement.

Mangum went on administrative leave on September 15, the day the BOT voted to approve the agreement. She will receive the remainder of her full $425,000 salary until the end of her contract on April 1st. The BOT also agreed to pay her $7,500 for moving expenses and up to $10,000 for legal fees.

But the News Service of Florida reported that Thomas Dortch, chair of the Special Committee on President Leadership, said the BOT might pull back its offer to pay Mangum’s moving costs and legal fees if the separation agreement has to be revised. The BOT will wait until October 6 before taking any further action. 

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